Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival Community Film Screenings
Saturday, Oct. 3, & Sunday, Oct. 4
Center Theater Center for the Arts 265 S. Cache St.
The 2009 Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival industry conference attracts more than 600 filmmakers, writers and conservationists to the valley. The Festival and Film Competition culminates in a weekend community celebration on Oct. 3-4, with finalists and winners screened in the Center Theater in downtown Jackson, and many filmmakers present for Q&A sessions.
This year, the festival offers free family after-school screenings 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29, through Thursday, Oct. 1.
Screening Passes for Community Screenings are sold at Center for the Arts Box Office, at 265 S. Cache St., (307) 733-4900, or see above for links to online box office. All-day Saturday and Sunday passes cost $25 per day. A weekend pass, which includes the Friday evening keynote address by Dr. Richard Leakey at Jackson Lake Lodge, costs $100. Screenings are free for kids 12 and under with a passholder. Entry also is free for festival delegates with badges. Read on for the complete lineup for each day.
This year's Wildlife Film Festival also offers an outstanding lineup of provocative discussions, special screenings and in-depth seminars and workshops. Visit the Wildlife Film Festival online at for the complete 2009 Festival Guide and additional information.
10:00 a.m.: Conversation and Clips with Previous Grand Teton Award Winners
12:00 p.m.: 2009 Best Earth Sciences Film (TBD Thursday, Oct. 1)
2:00 p.m.: The Secret Life of Elephants
4:00 p.m.: Disneynature The Crimson Wing, Mystery of the Flamingos
6:00 p.m.: Whale Wars
7:00 p.m.: Reception with Wildlife Filmmakers
8:00 p.m.: Gorilla Murders
10:00 a.m.: 2009 Grand Teton Award Winner
12:00 p.m.: Disneynature EARTH
2:00 p.m.: BUGS 3D!
4:00 p.m.: Division Street
6:00 p.m.: Yellowstone: Winter
8:00 p.m.: Green
For more information about the industry conference and screening opportunities Sept. 28-Oct. 2 at the Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park, please call the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival at (307) 733-7016 or go to Funds raised during the Festival support year-round educational outreach programs.
Interior West: The Craft and Style of Thomas Molesworth
Presented in conjunction with the State Museum’s current exhibit, “Molesworth: Selections from the Permanent Collection,” Reber will present an illustrated presentation on the rustic western furniture maker.
Molesworth owned and operated the Shoshone Furniture Company in Cody from 1931 to 1961. For thirty years, Molesworth created western furniture for ranches and hotels throughout the United States including the famous Ranch A, near Beulah, Wyoming; Eisenhower's Den; and the Rockefeller Ranch. It is said that he single-handedly popularized "cowboy furniture" or the western style of furniture design.
Following Reber's talk, guests will be invited to view the exhibit which is on display through October 24.
The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne. For more information about this and other Wyoming State Museum programs, please call 777-7022.
"The Laramie Project: 10 Years Later, An Epilogue" at Center Theatre in Jackson w/update on Laramie presentation

In holding multiple premieres of the play on the same night, Mr. Kaufman said he was taking a page from the Federal Theater Project, the New Deal program that often opened plays in a multitude of cities on the same night.
“We’re also taking advantage of contemporary technology so that at the New York performance we’ll be connected to the other productions across the nation via the Internet,” Mr. Kaufman said. “We’re giving each production a video recorder so that they can document the event, and we’ll be answering questions live from across the country,” after the performances on Oct. 12.
For a full list of performance venues for "The Laramie Project -- 10 Years Later," go to As of today, the Jackson event is the only one scheduled for Wyoming.
UPDATE: Oct. 12 presentation in Laramie
By Moises Kaufman, Leigh Fondakowski, Greg Pierotti, Andy Paris, and Stephen Belber.
October 12, 7:30 p.m., FREE! Arts & Sciences Auditorium, University of Wyoming, Laramie
See the August 2009 press release from The Tectonic Theater Project here.
See the September 29, 2009 press release from the AP here.
This event is FREE and the public is cordially invited.
Governor's Arts Awards - Nomination Deadline October 9, 2009
Any Wyoming citizen, organization, business or community may be a Governor's Art Awards(GAA) nominee. Accomplishments that are noted should reflect substantial contributions made in Wyoming that exemplify a long-term commitment to the arts. Special consideration will be given to nominees whose arts service is statewide.
Previous GAA recipients are not eligible for nomination, but nomination of previously unselected nominees is encouraged. Current Wyoming Arts Council board members, staff members, contractors or member of their families are not eligible for nomination.
Nomination Process
Nominations must be postmarked no later than October 9, 2009 and sent to:
Governor's Arts Awards, Wyoming Arts Council, 2320 Capitol Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82002
Provide the following information on an 8.5"x11" cover sheet for your nomination:
Select one of the following categories for your nominee
*Individual: artist, arts educator, arts administrator, arts patron
*Organization: arts organization, business, government support, media support
*Community: city, town, township (please also specify the community's art focus)
Provide information for the nominee and nominator
Award Nominee
*Arts involvement, organization and/or professional affiliation
*Telephone(day and evening)
*E-Mail address, if available
*Your relationship to the nominee
*Telephone (day and evening)
*E-Mail address, if available
For more information
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Community Art Show - AVA Community Art Center
Please bring us your artwork to put on display. (Spread the word to yourfriends!)
We will hang art until the walls are full!
The Artists' Reception is Friday, October 9th!
Lisa Stomprud
Office Manager / Graphic Designer
AVA (Advocacy for Visual Arts) Center
Phone: 307.682.9133
Ski Film to Screen at UW
A montage of skiing shots, "The Freeheel Life" movie tour is the result of Height of Lands (HOL) Publications teaming with Telemark Skier Magazine editor Josh Madsen.
"This is a great opportunity to show our commitment to telemark skiing and help grow the sport," HOL publisher Jon Howard says.
Madsen has been involved in the telemark industry for more than eight years, building a resume as an athlete, filmmaker and youth program organizer. He has appeared in movies such as Warren Miller's "Higher Ground" and several releases by Powderwhore Production Company and his own company, Lipstick Films.
Fine Edge Ski and Cycle shop co-sponsors the film showing. An official movie trailer and additional tour date information can be found at
ART of the HUNT - Laramie County Library
Opening Reception
Thursday, October 15, 7:00 p.m.
Cottonwood Room, Laramie County Library
Stories of the Hunt
Thursday, October 29, 7:00 p.m.
Cottonwood Room, Laramie County Library
Art of the Hunt is an exhibition featuring hunting implements created by Wyoming artisans; including knives, gunstocks, bows, decoys, gear and more!
This exhibition is presented at the Laramie County Library in partnership with the Wyoming Arts Council Folk & Traditional Arts Program with partial funding by the Wyoming Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Humanities Matter!
The Wyoming Humanities Council's Humanities Matter! conference will bring together representatives of community organizations, museum and library personnel, interested community members, and humanities faculty from across Wyoming to explore how to work together to create humanities courses and public programming that will address issues relevant to their lives, communities, and world.
For more information:
Literary Connection Between Readers and Writers
LCCC Health Science Building Room111/113
Friday, October 2 2009, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Writer's Workshop
Featuring Pam Houston, Laura Pritchett and Bill Roorbach
Continental breakfast will be provided.
Free. Space is limited, pre-registration is required.
Saturday, October 3, 2009, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
An Afternoon with Three Best-Selling Authors:
Pam Houston, Laura Pritchett and Bill Roorbach
Lunch included. Book signing to follow event.
Early Registration: $25; After September 1: $35
Space is limited.
Register online at or call 3070778-1285
Unleashing the Power of the Creative Community
To enable Cheyenne to truly take advantage of both creative and critical thinking, it is critical that we begin an inclusive community conversation that explores how those in the worlds of business and high-tech industry and those in the worlds of the arts and humanities can work together to create a progressive 21st Century community where people want to live and work.
Community Conversation
By Special invitation only!
Hosted by Laramie County Community College
11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, Oct 23, 2009(lunch provided)
Little America Hotel, Wyoming Room
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Please RSVP by Oct. 15 to LCCC at 307-778-4381
"Thresholds" -- 23rd Annual Literary Conference
presented by Casper College and ARTCORE
Attend three enriching days of writing workshops and free public talks on poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as readings by recipients of the 2009 Wyoming Arts Council Poetry Fellowships.
Featured Presenters
All talks are free and open to the public.
William Powers, Author of Blue Clay People: Seasons on Africa’s Fragile Edge.
Tim Sandlin, Author of Rowdy in Paris, Skipped Parts and Sex and Sunset.
Greg Pape, Author of American Flamingo and Sunflower Facing the Sun.
Linda Hasselstrom, Author of No Place Like Home: Field Notes from a Western Life.
Two day workshops are $60 and require pre-registration. Seats are limited. Please sign up early (coming soon).[ Register Today! ]
“Start and Finish Your Novel,” Tim Sandlin, 2-5 p.m. Oct. 8-9
“Writing to See, Seeing to Write,” Linda Hasselstrom, 2-5 p.m. Oct. 8-9
“Writing for Change,” William Powers, 9 a.m. - noon, Oct. 9-10
“Poetry Workshop,” Greg Pape, 9 a.m. - noon, Oct. 9-10
For more information and to register for workshops visit:
Contact Terry Rasmussen
2009 Literary Conference Director
Monday, September 28, 2009
A literary gem--Don DeLillo

Asked who his influences were when he began writing, he said the literary force at the time was Norman Mailer, who he read and admired, and met some years later. He was also reading a number of European writers. While in college, Hemingway was the guy. He and his friends would talk in Hemingway dialogue. And it was mostly male writers who they looked up to, because male writers dominated the genre. He talks about his first writing being uncontrolled; didn't feel like he knew what he was doing, but he knew he was a writer. He was looking for his voice.
Asked about the research he does for his novels, he said that you can't make this stuff up. For example, when reading about people in FBI reports, he said how, "the details take on a significance that make up a life, even though that life may seem insignificant.
Asked about the construction of a novel, he said he works mostly through intuition. At some point, he is compelled to begin writing. He quoted Hemingway, "get black on white." He just begins to write sentences and sees what he gets. In writing Libra, he alternated the chapters, but 3/4 of the way through, the chapters merged -- the conspiracy becomes a life and the life becomes the conspiracy. And that construction was all intuitive.
He talked about his great interest in visual art, especially abstract art, and thought this the equivalent of what he feels he does as a literary artist. The visual artist putting a blob of blue paint here and a blob of red paint there; he likened this to how he as a writer constructs a story, yet he strives for rhythm, repetition, and balance.
He also talked about living in Greece and the not-modest presence of terrorism, the representation of which took place every day with some kind of explosion on the street, sometimes within five blocks of where he was living. At the time, there were many refugees from Lebanon. There was a strong anti-American attitude. There was terrorist activity taking place in New York in the 1970s. When the events of Sept. 11 happened, the last thing on his mind was writing. Five days later, they were able to get into lower Manhattan, and he wrote an essay at that time about it. It was not until several years later when he saw a photograph of a man in a suit carrying a briefcase walking through the ash that the idea for a novel really sparked. He thought about if the briefcase didn't belong to the man in the photo; not a profound idea but it brought him into the book.
Asked if he found any part of writing unpleasant, he said, "not unpleasant, but challenging." He finds things in the words that invigorate him. He talked about the fine points that call for illumination, but when you don't is when the writing is crap. He still wrestles with sentences. He feels that writing is all about yourself and how your mind works and your level of seriousness. He felt like his early stories were not necessarily asking to be written. "I was capable of doing them, but there wasn't a need for them." He likes using immediate source material--descriptions of a voice, a street. He gave the example of when he was living in Greece, a Greek man paying a bill, which he said was quite a process. He considers these the mysteries of life.
About the actual writing process, he says he came upon a technique that he uses. He types on a manual machine. When he has completed a paragraph, he changes to a new sheet of paper, even if the sheet only has three lines on it. This way, when he reads it, there is no interference from other text. Doesn't happen with every book--one book he was writing flowed out of him so quickly, he felt like he'd written 100 pages in three days. The Body Artist was much less spontaneous, it felt like he only wrote a sentence a day; he had to will the story out of himself. His working practice consists of his writing 3-4 hours in the morning, taking a break, getting back to it for a couple of hours around 5, then sometimes doing some sentence rewriting around 11. He says, "that's what I needed when I was younger; now it's automatic, I just go into the room after breakfast. I don't begrudge the time."
Another note on Libra: He remembers reading about Oswald living in the Bronx when he was thirteen, and DeLillo was sixteen; and how Oswald would play hooky and go to the Bronx zoo. DeLillo would also sometimes play hooky and go to the zoo, and he began to think about if he may have even seen Oswald on the street somewhere, crossed paths with him. He did a great deal of reading for the book, and he found it all extremely interesting. John Malkovich did a play about Libra at Chicago's Steppenwolf Theatre. DeLillo was active in the process and talked about the play experience, to writing a script, which is the easiest part, "all dialogue," to the actors reading the play and then the putting on of the play. How audiences differ from city to city, not even laughing at the same parts. Playwriting is 3-dimensional -- getting it on paper, getting the cast to perform it, and then the audience. A play has a great deal of mystery about it.
Asked about the book End Zone, he said that he's received a really good script (after receiving a couple very bad attempts) from a couple of scriptwriters who want to make a movie out of it, but they can't come up with the funding. Unfortunately, independent filmmakers have to ask for European money, but because the story involves American football, not many in Europe are keen on funding the film.
Sheridan writers read Oct. 15 at Senior Center
Participating writers: Aaron Holst, Abbie Taylor, Chris Valentine, Rose Hill, Treva Lannan, Bruce Anderson, Duane Portwood, Terry McNutt and Joan Puma Bennet.
FMI: 307-672-2240
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
WYOMING VIEWS - Clay Paper Scissors Gallery and Studio
Joe Arnold (oils)
Wendy Bredehoft (pastels)
Linda Lillegraven (oils)
Susan Moldenhauer (photography)
Artist Reception, Friday, Nov 6, 6-8 p.m.
Wyoming Arts Summit Reception, Thursday, Sept. 24, 8-9:30 p.m.
Gallery hours beginning October 1, Thursdays 4-7
University of Wyoming Art Museum
Sept. 12 - Dec. 23, 2009
Kwang-Young Chun (Korean, b. 1944) makes intricate sculpture out of the recycled pages of old Korean books and medicine wrappers printed on mulberry paper. He wraps the handmade paper—inscribed with Korean characters— around thousands of Styrofoam tetrahedrons and other geometric forms that serve as the basic units of his compositions. The forms are then arranged in free-standing three-dimensional sculptures or mounted on the wall as two-dimensional low-reliefs.
Image: Kwang-Young Chun (Korean, b. 1944), Aggregation 08-AU022 (detail), 2008, mixed media, 14 ft x 8 ft diameter, photo courtesy of Aldrich Museum of Art

Sept. 12 - Nov. 14, 2009
Trained as an artist and an organic farmer, Burkhardt bridges art and ecology through works that explore adaptation and mutation (postulating that plant or animal species adapt or mutate to the needs of human beings and are influenced by technology in our contemporary environment), mimicry (species that adapt traits that offer greater chances for survival), symbiosis (neutral or parasitic relationships between species), and even symbiogenesis (radical evolutionary changes that create new species). In 2008, Burkhardt created a geodesic dome as artist studio installation for Art Basel Miami Beach. The dome, recent work, and examples of his flora and fauna series are planned for the exhibition. Burkhardt will also be creating a new work inspired by Wyoming's ecological environment.
Image: Brian Burkhardt (American, b. 1971), Dome, 2008, wood, galvanized aluminum, batten tape, greenhouse plastic, staples, MDF, screening, metal clips, 12 x 12 x 10 ft
Sept. 5 - Dec. 23, 2009
Inada Ichiro (Japanese, 1891-1979) was an important 20th century netsuke artist. For centuries, the Japanese have used miniature sculptures hung by cords from the sash of their traditional garments such as the kimono to secure personal belongings in small pouches. Intricate and figurative, the netsuke reflect aspects of Japanese life.
Image: Inada Ichiro (Japanese, 1891-1977), Standing Farmer Sowing Seed, not dated, Ivory, 1-1/4 x 3/4 x 7/8 inches, Gift of Huey G. and Phyllis T. Shelton, University of Wyoming Art Museum Collection, 2009.5.108
Museum and Museum Store Hours
Monday-Saturday, 10am-5pm
Mondays until 9pm(Feb.-Apr., Sept.-Nov.)
Closed major holidays
Harp and Flute Concert
Performing Arts Japan (PAJ) touring and collaboration grants
The Japan Foundation is now accepting proposals for projects to receive PAJ touring and collaboration grants for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.
Deadline for applications is November 2, 2009. The applications must be received by mail or hand delivery (facsimile transmission will not be accepted) by 5:00 p.m. EST, November 2, 2009.
Guidelines and Application Form:
Essence -- 2010 VSA Arts "Call for Writing"
The selected pieces will become part of the VSA arts online writing journal, Infinite Difference.
All submissions must be submitted by Friday, November 20, 2009.
Entry guidelines and forms:
Montana Shakespeare in the Schools to begin fall tour

"As with the summer tour, the program places special emphasis on underserved, rural areas," Jahnke said. "Nearly 70 percent of the schools that we will perform in this year will be in communities with a population of less than 5,000.
"Jahnke said that of all of Shakespeare's plays, "Romeo and Juliet" is arguably the most popular and has been adapted into musicals and films from generation to generation. The production will be directed by William Brown, an award-winning director from Chicago.
"The stress of peer and family pressure set against the backdrop of a young couples' love is as timely now as ever," Brown has said of the play. "I feel very strongly that the play becomes more relevant for young people when they experience it in a live performance.
"Montana Shakespeare in the Schools began in 1993 with two actors who performed scenes from Shakespeare's plays with minimal costumes and scenery. It has grown to a seven-member professional company that offers a full Shakespearean production complete with ornate costumes and scenery.
Shakespeare in the School's annual Elise Event, a fundraiser named in honor of sponsor Elise Donohue, will be held at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6, at MSU's Black Box Theater located at 11th and Grant St. The event will feature an after-show catered wine reception and a 75-minute performance of "Romeo and Juliet," followed by a "talk back" with the actors and workshop demonstrations with members of the Montana Shakespeare in the Schools company. Tickets are $25 per person and advance reservations are highly recommended. For more information, call (406) 994-3310.
For the six consecutive year, Montana Shakespeare in the Schools is funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts "Shakespeare in American Communities: Shakespeare for a New Generation." Additional funding support comes from the MSU College of Arts and Architecture, the Montana Arts Council; Artist in the Schools program, the Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation and Target.
For more information about Shakespeare in the Schools and its performance schedule, go to or call (406) 994-3310.
Great line-up for Wednesday's "20:20"
The 20:20 for statewide visual and performing artists, musicians and writers, arts educators and organizations is this Wednesday, September 23 from 7 - 9 p.m. at Little America in Cheyenne. This event is being held in conjunction with the Wyoming Arts Council Arts Summit, also at the Little America. The WAC will be holding conference registration Wednesday evening, immediately preceding 20:20.
20:20 is a fast-paced presentation whereby presenters are allotted 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds, resulting in a 6 minute and 40 second presentation. It's a great opportunity for artists to share what they're working on. The goal of 20:20 is to foster open dialogue, connect colleagues and provide a forum for discussion within the Wyoming arts community. Please join us on Wednesday night for this fun event!
The presenters are:
1. Georgia Rowswell
2. Pravina Gondalia
3. Carolyn Hoyle
4. Sonjia Weinstein
5. Zak Pullen
6. Kristi Baxley (Rawlins Main Street)
7. Joy Keown
8. Bea Haggar
9. Mary Jane Edwards (Jentel)
10. Win Ratz
11. Dan Hayward
12. Sonja Caywood
13. Ken Driese
14. Anne Hatch
15. Mark Koons
A future 20:20 event is planned for statewide art students in February. For more information on 20:20, please call or email UW Art Museum assistant curator Rachel Miller at 307.766.6621 or
Monday, September 21, 2009
From one witch trial to another: Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" at UW
The University of Wyoming Department of Theatre and Dance opens the 2009-2010 production season with Arthur Miller's "The Crucible."
Performances can be seen Sept. 29-Oct. 3 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 4 at 2 p.m. on the Fine Arts Main Stage. Tickets cost $14 for the public, $11 for senior citizens and $7 for students. For tickets and information call (307) 766-6666 or visit
Directed by assistant professor John O'Hagan, "The Crucible" is both a historical play and timely allegory of political and religious intolerance. Based on actual people and events, the play is a portrait of the mass hysteria that led to the witch-hunts and trials in 17th century Salem, Mass.
"The Crucible" also examines human nature and the extremes to which individuals will go to enforce social norms and beliefs.
"I was drawn to the play because of its emotionally powerful content and its universality in depicting the conflicts between belief and reality and the individual and society," says O'Hagan. "This is an incredibly moving story about what happens when a community breaks charity with itself."
Miller wrote "The Crucible" in response to Senator McCarthy's "House Un-American Activities Committee" hearings in the 1950s and the anti-Communist hysteria that gripped the nation. Miller himself was later questioned by the committee and found in contempt of Congress for failing to identify other potential Communist sympathizers.
A pre-show panel discussion led by UW faculty members Peter Parolin, Bob Torrey, Jeannie Holland and Kent Drummond will be held Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 6:30 p.m. on the Fine Arts Main Stage. The discussion will center on the historical situation of "The Crucible," its use as a metaphor for the McCarthy era and its lasting influence on literature and dramatic literature. The discussion is free and open to the public.
Pat Frolander event in Sundance postponed
We've had to change our plans for the book signing/open house for Pat Frolander at the Crook County Library on Monday afternoon/evening, Sept. 21. Sorry to be so late with the news but Pat's really not feeling well and we can hardly party without her . . . she is, after all, our guest of honor.
So, for anyone planning to make the trip to Sundance on Monday, please dig in you heels and wait until we get Patsy back on her feet and ready to greet her fans. We'll let you know of the new plans as soon as we get everything in order and rescheduled for Pat's next appearance.
To read more about Pat's book and the Sundance events, go to an earlier wyomingarts post at
Friday, September 18, 2009
ARTCORE announces October Events & line-up
The Front
October 2, 2009 • 7:30 p.m.Durham Hall, Aley Fine Arts Center, Casper College
TOUR HISTORY:The-Front has been hitting the road sense it's inception in 1999. In 2003, they were the first band out of 10,000 submissions nationwide to be picked for A.P. Magazines Play Vans Warped Tour contest. After impressing Kevin Lyman (Warped Tour founder), The-Front were allowed to play an extended leg of Warped Tour in 2004. The-Front has TOURED with top punk acts such as The Queers, T.S.O.L., The Suicide Machines and Angel City Outcasts. They have shared the stage with bands like The Distillers, Tiger Army, Guttermouth, Lower Class Brats, International Noise Conspiracy, Real McKenzies, The Havoc, The River City Rebels, The Briggs, Left Alone, Whiskey Rebels, The First Wave, Agnostic Front, Murphy's Law, and The Eyeliners just to name a few.
2009 One-Act Play Winner, Wolf! by Heather Judd
Friday, October 2nd 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, October 3rd at 2 p.m. & at 7:30 p.m.,Sunday October 4th at 2 p.m. Stage III Community Theatre
23rd Annual Casper College/ARTCORE Literary Conference, October 8-10
Laughing Bird
Thursday, October 15, 7:30 p.m.
John F. Welsh Auditorium, Natrona County High School
Sara Grey & Kieron Means
Monday, October 19, 7:30 p.m.
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
Spencer Bohren
Saturday, October 24, 7:30 p.m.
Kelly Walsh High School Auditorium
WYO Theater October Events
Spencer Bohren
Saturday, October 3, 7:30p.m.
$20 Adult/$18 Senior & Military/$11 Student/$9 12 and under
Spencer Borhen an artist, a traditionalist and a Wyoming Native has a marvelous gift for sharing his great love for America's wealth of traditional folk, blues, gospel and country music. His CD Carry the Word, an homage to the gospel music he grew up with, was named "Best CD of the Year 2000 by a Louisiana Artist," no small feat for a state teeming with talented blues and gospel singers. Listeners of Spencer's music are ever charmed by the openness and honesty inherent in it. He connects deeply with his audience in a way uncommon in this world filled with synthesized pop music. His laid-back stage presence and comfortable delivery make each concert feel like a pleasant visit with an old friend. And this being his eighth concert at the WYO Theater, he certainly is that. Isn't it time to visit with a friend?
Kevin Locke : Peacekeeper, Ally, Everyman
Tuesday, October 6, 7:00p.m.
$15 Adult/$13 Senior & Military/$8 Student/$5 12 and under
The WYO Theater's Children's Education and Family Series opens with inspiration. Kevin Locke (Tokeya Inajin is his Lakota name, meaning "The First to Arise") is known throughout the world as the pre-eminent player of the indigenous Northern Plains flute, as well as an inspiring hoop dancer, traditional storyteller, cultural ambassador and educator. Kevin has performed and lectured in more than 70 countries world-wide, he has served as a cultural ambassador for the United States Information Service since 1980 and was a featured performer and speaker at the 1996 United Nations Habitat II Conference in Turkey. Kevin's message is one of unity, "It is so hard for people to relate one to another because we all come from different backgrounds. But no matter where we come from, we can all connect with music." We hope the audience feels the same after experiencing Kevin's tremendous performance at the
Gala '09 Singing in the Rain
Saturday, October 24, 6:00p.m. $90
Encore Performances: Thursday, October 29-Saturday, October31, 7:30p.m. / Sunday, November1, 2:00p.m.
$20 Adult/$18 Senior & Military/$11 Student/$9 12 and under
You remember the plot. You love the characters. You know "the song." It's no less than the stage adaptation of one of the most celebrated and beloved films of all time and it's dancin' its way onto the WYO stage for the WYO Theater Gala '09. The WYO Theater will pay homage to the big screen beginnings for its 20th Anniversary Season with Singinà in the Rain, the stage adaptation of the cinematic miracle frequently described as one of the best musical ever made. You'll be singin' in your seat to the familiar tunes of this joyous classic featuring a cast and orchestra of some of Sheridan's finest talent led by directors Marva Craft and Tami Davis. This colorful and witty musical humorously satirizes and parodies the panic surrounding the troubling transitional period from silent films to talkies in the dream factory of Hollywood of the late 1920s. Such verbose ground breaking films were so popular they were even shown on the screen of the Lotus Theater (the WYO's predecessor) who introduced talkies to Wyoming in 1929. It's a singin' swingin' glorious feelin' that will have you walkin' down the lane with the happy refrain, just singin', singin' in the rain!Starring: Ryan Koltiska, Ryan Legler, Annie Magera, Stephanie Baran, Richard Davis, Matt Davis, Andrew Erusha, Patrick Garber, Ron Kensey, Heidi Parker, Jules Walker, Bob Wakefield, Teisha Abeyta, Shelby Garstad, Bailey Bateman, Becki Arneson, Nick Groshart, Adam Cross, Janelle Kethman, Emma Laurent, Claire Korpela, Pam Jensik and featuring several guest movie star appearances in films by Leon Schatz.
Late Nite Shenanigans Halloween Special
Saturday, October 31 11:00p.m. $15
Join the Shenanigan Crew for a Halloween Extravaganza you should be afraid to miss. It's a very special showing of the classic horror film, Night of the Living Dead but like so many things these guys do, it's not what you expect - the film has been Shenanified for your viewing pleasure. Put on your best/worst costume and walk stiffly to the WYO cause that costume could win you a super duper Shenani-Prize and you can even enjoy your frothy beverage (as long as it's not in a glass bottle) in the haunted house of the Theater.It's Halloween Shananistyle on a night when anything can happen!
Patriot's Pen youth-essay writing contest
Entry Deadline is Nov. 1, 2009
Patriot's Pen, a youth-essay writing contest is a nationwide competition that gives students in grades 6,7 and 8 the opportunity to write essays expressing their views on democracy. Annually, more than 115,000 students participate in the contest.
The National Association of Secondary School Principals has placed this program on the NASSP National Advisory List of Contests and Activities for 2009-2010. The Patriot's Pen program is designed to foster patriotism by allowing students the opportunity to express their opinion.
Contestants write a 300-400 word essay based on an annual patriotic theme. The first-place winner receives a $10,000 savings bond and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington D.C. The top national winners each receive a savings bond anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000.
FMI contact VFW National Headquarters or your local VFW Post (Local: VFW Post 1881, 2816 E. 7th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001; local point of contact can be reached at 214-9452).
Student Information:
Students can enter by submitting the required entry form (attached), along with their essay, to the local VFW Post. You may also call the VFW National Programs office during normal business hours at 816-968-1117. (Local post: Post 1881 can be reached at 638-8886).
Mail entry form and essay to the local VFW post. Further directions are listed on the entry form. Historically, the theme (annually chosen by the VFW commander-in-chief) is purposely kept broad in scope to allow the participant flexibility in interpretation to encourage originality. Since the VFW is a patriotic organization, the annual theme always will be related to patriotism.
Essay Rules:
Length: 300 - 400 words.
You must write your own essay.
All essays should be typewritten in English with no color or graphics and cannot be less than 300 words or greater than 400 words in length. (Essays under or over these word amounts will be eliminated.) Every word is counted regardless of length. The essay title (theme) or added footnotes do not contribute to the word count. A contestant must be a student enrolled in either the 6th, 7th or 8th grade of a public, private, parochial school or a home study program in the United States, its territories or possessions or enrolled in an overseas school as a dependent of U.S. military or U.S. civilian personnel to be eligible to enter this contest. (Foreign Exchange students and former winners that placed in the national finals are not eligible to enter this contest.)
The completed essay and entry form must be in the hands of the VFW Post Chairman by midnight November 1, 2009. Contestants may not identify themselves, their school, city or state in their essay. Do not put your name on your essay. The entry form is your essay's cover sheet. Secure the Official Student Entry Form with a staple or other fastener on top of your essay. Contestants are allowed to enter only once (one Post competition). Contestants found in violation of this rule will face elimination from the competition and will be required to return any and all prize money awarded and received. The essay must be a contestant's original work and a product of the contestant's own thinking. The approach to this year's theme, "When is the Right Time to Honor Our Military Heroes." should be positive and focus clearly on the theme. Poetry is not acceptable. Quotations may be used sparingly if plainly identified wherever used. A contestant's teacher, counselor or parent may check the essay for punctuation, grammar and/or spelling, but the content must remain the contestant's. Contestants should be judged on the basis of their essay alone and are not required to present the essay orally.
Cody Country Art League-Fall Adult Classes
(307) 587-3597
Beginners Mosaics - Jane Kellogg, Instructor
Wednesday, October 14, 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m. : runs for four weeks. Cost: 110.00 for CCAL members; $120.00 for non-members; materials extra. Class will be held at instructor's studio. Deadline for sign-up: Friday, October 9
Watercolors - Shirley Barhaug, Instructor
Wednesday, October 14, 1:00-3:00p.m.Cost: 110.00 for CCAL members; $120.00 for non-members; materials extra. Deadline for sign-up: Friday, October 9
Acrylic Florals - Shirley Barhaug, Instructor
Friday, October 16, 1:00-3:00p.m. Cost: 110.00 for CCAL members; $120.00 for non-members; materials extra. Deadline for sign-up: Monday, October 12
Woodcarving - Dennis Barhaug, Instructor
Saturday, October 17, 9:00a.m.-12:00 noon.Cost: 110.00 for CCAL members; $120.00 for non-members; materials extra. Deadline for sign-up: Monday, October 12
Pottery - Steve Schrepferman, Instructor
Tuesday, October 20, 9:00a.m.-12:00 noon. Cost: 135.00 for CCAL members; $140.00 for non-members; materials extra. Deadline for sign-up: Tuesday, October 13
Rope Making & Traditional Cord Cinch Techniques - Darin Alexander, Instructor
One day workshop - Friday, November 6, and Sunday, November 8, 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
All classes are six weeks and held at Cody Country Art League unless otherwise stated.
WAC grants training session Sept. 23
The grants training session will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2-4 p.m. at the WAC conference room, 2320 Capitol Ave., Cheyenne. This two-hour training will cover grants-writing tips for organizations and individual artists. It's free, but please let us know if you're attending by calling Karen Merklin at 307-777-7743. Please call before 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 21.
More details on the WAC web site at
Daniel Pearl World Music Days the month of October
World Music Days, which coincides with Daniel's October 10 birthday, is an awareness-raising initiative, not a fund-raising program. There is no fee to participate. A simple registration of your event(s) at and the site will confirm your participation and promote your event(s) worldwide. Once you register your event(s), participation entails a shout out from the stage, or a mention in the printed program, in support of the "Harmony for Humanity" theme at your scheduled October performances.
For the past seven years, thousands of professional and amateur musicians have joined this expanding network of concerts to honor the legacy of journalist/musician Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal South Asia Bureau Chief, who was kidnapped and murdered by terrorists
in Pakistan shortly after 9/11. These concerts commemorate Pearl's lifework by using music to spread a message of hope, unity and "Harmony for Humanity."
FMI and to confirm your participation, visit the website listed above. There you will find many links, one of which is to NPR where Daniel's mother Ruth Pearl reads from an essay she wrote.
AVA Community Art Center October Schedule
Grade School Kids Club Fall Session (Oct 1,8,15,22,29)
Parent and Child Class (Oct 5)
Parent and Child Paper Making Class (Oct 12, 19)
Little Tikes(Oct 2,9,16,23,30)
Life Drawing Classes (Oct 5,12,19,26)
Recycled Journals (Oct 6,8)
Community Art Show (Oct 9)
Metal Table Fountain Design & Construction (Oct 13,20)
January Art Auction Application Due (Oct 16)
Yupo for Adults (Oct 17,18)
Early Release Day (Oct 21)
Pumpkin Carving Class (Oct 23)
Haunted House at AVA (Oct 30)
Call for Entries
September 24
Hedgebrook, a retreat for women writers, is currently accepting applications for its 2010 residency program. Located off the coast of Seattle on Whidbey Island, WA, Hedgebrook is home to six handcrafted cottages, numerous hiking trails that meander through lush forest, and a communal farmhouse where residents gather in the evenings to share meals. Applicants may be at any stage of their writing careers and engaged in any genre. Applications, which include two personal essays and a writing sample, must be postmarked no later than September 24. Residencies are free, though participants must provide their own travel arrangements.
October 16
For artists working in photography, artists’ books, digital video, multimedia, and film, the Visual Studies Workshop offers one-month residencies at its stately facilities in Rochester, NY. Residencies are project-based, and visiting artists are provided unlimited access to VSW, housing on the premises, and a $2,000 honorarium. Facilities include a darkroom, production and post-production equipment for both 16mm film and analog video, a digital photography lab, and a Macintosh computer lab. Applications for residencies in 2010 must include work samples, a project description, a résumé, and a SASE.
October 31
Brooklyn’s artist-run A.I.R. Gallery, a not-for-profit space dedicated to exhibiting the work of women artists, offers emerging artists the opportunity to work closely with the gallery as part of an 18-month fellowship program. Participating artists will develop their work in provided studio space, as well as build relationships with other artists and professionals in the arts, including one-on-one studio visits with prominent curators and academics. The fellowship culminates in a solo exhibition for each participating artist. The fellowship runs from March 2010 to July 2010, during which time fellows will be expected to attend regular meetings, gallery-sit once a month, and contribute to the programming of A.I.R. Gallery by planning an event or special project. For more details, click here.
October 31
Northern Michigan University’s Forest Roberts Theatre is currently holding a playwriting competition for educational and professional playwrights. The Forest Roberts Theatre Playwriting Award includes a fully mounted production of the winning play during the upcoming theater season, classroom and media appearances, and a $2,000 cash prize. The winning playwright will be flown out to Marquette, MI, for the week that his or her play is staged, and will be provided room and board for the duration of the stay. The playwright may also be asked to participate in a script development workshop in the summer, an opportunity to work with a professional dramaturge, director, and cast. (Transportation, room, and board will also be provided for this opportunity.) Entries must be original, full-length plays, and must not have been previously produced or published. A complete set of submission and entry rules, as well as information on past winners, are available on the Forest Roberts Theatre website.
Casper Artists' Guild
October Featured Artists
Bev Mathisen will be featuring paintings and photographs from her visit to the Galapagos Islands. She paints mostly in watercolors on canvas. She does a variety of subjects from nature using several types of approaches and sometimes mixed media.
Elen Black will be featuring her watercolor landscapes. Bobbie Kuxhausen was the art teacher who encouraged Elen to get into watercolor. Elen took a class from Steve Naegle at the college. She has taken various other workshops. While she was teaching, she didn't have as much time to devote to her art so when she retired she decided to become more active in her painting.
Shirin Hola started painting when she attended a plein air painting workshop by June Callnes. Then she took a couple of classes at Casper College, a workshop from Carl Purcell and several workshops at the Casper Artists' Guild. Shirin does water colors and acrylics of various subjects of interest to her.
The Casper Artists' Guild will have a RECEPTION for these three artists on Sunday, October 4th from 2-4pm. Members and visitors please come and meet our artists and show them your support.
Kens Burns series on National Parks

For more information, call Bear River State Park at 307-789-6547.
Sixties bands reunite -- and contemporary artists exhibit -- to support a good cause
Recovery Rally is the annual fundraiser of the 12-24 Club, an organization that provides help for drug and alcohol addictions. This year, the rally committee pulled together several of the biggest bands from Casper in the 1950s, '60s and '70s.
Several bands will be performing, including The Eddies & Butterfat (now the No Class Reunion Band), the NoVells, Chinook and the JD Blues Band.
Special guests include members of the bands BC and the Cavemen, The Monday People and Arnolt and the Raspberries.
The Rally is from 6 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19, at the Parkway Plaza in Casper. Tickets are $15 in advance, $17 at the door; available at Sonic Rainbow, Casper Events Center, S.A.M.E. Music and the 12-24 Club.
For tickets, donations and information, call Dan at 259-5263.
Art show: Some of the former band members playing at the Recovery Rally now make their living as artists. A show of eight artists -- four from the reunited bands, four from the local area -- will accompany the Rally. The show will open TODAY at the Parkway Plaza and the art will be auctioned SATURDAY. Proceeds will benefit the 12-24 Club.
Internationally-shown artist Paul Huber will donate 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of an original oil painting to the club.
The After Party: This will feature art sales, music and a chance to reconnect with old friends. It will be THURSDAY at the Wolcott Galleria, 136 S. Wolcott, in the old Odd Fellows Building. The party is being held in conjunction with a free open house from 5 to 6:30 p.m. to celebrate the addition of the Odd Fellows building to the National Register of Historic Places. Advance tickets are $10, $12 at the door; available at any of the Wolcott Galleria Merchants. Proceeds from the after party go to the 12-24 Club. Call Charles at 267-8231 for tickets or more information.
Read the entire SCT story at
"Stories from Cuba and Other Places"
A library press release says: "González is a dynamic and versatile performer who enchants audiences with string stories, puppetry, and anecdotes about growing up in Cuba and coming to America."
Contact: Latino Programs Coordinator, Patty Rocha, 733-2164 ext. 237 or
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Center of Wonder promotes "percent for art" program in Jackson
The Center of Wonder, a valley group that supports community art installations, has announced it will push for new commercial and municipal construction to set aside one percent of a project’s budget for public art.
The group said it will lobby local lawmakers to incorporate a public art exaction into Land Development Regulations to coincide with the Comprehensive Plan Update.
The Center of Wonder was responsible for the former Art Space site on Broadway, the wildlife cutout series that appeared along Hwy. 22 during the winter, and the Snowtorium, a giant “snow doughnut” outfitted with a motion-activated sound bench that melted away in July.
Congrats to our fellow writers in Utah
2009 Winners of the Utah Arts Council's annual Original Writing Competition
Class A: Novel
First Place: Nancy L. Roberts, Park City, "Deep Water Moon"
Second Place: Michael Gills, Salt Lake City, "Go Love"
Class B: Biography/Autobiography
First Place: Jennifer Sinor, Logan, "Rogue Wave"
Second Place: Lynn Zaristsky, Mount Pleasant, "In One Piece"
Honorable Mention: M. Dane Picard, Salt Lake City, "Field Book of a Geologist"
Class C: Collection of Short Stories
First Place: Adrian Stumpp, Ogden, "All the Variables"
Second Place: Michael Palmer, Salt Lake City, "Bodies, Water"
Class D: Young Adult Book
First Place: J. Corey Willis, Centerville, "Fair Forever"
Second Place: Darlene Young, South Jordan "Inside Out"
Class E: Poetry
First Place: Susan Sample, Salt Lake City, "Terrible Grace"
Second Place: Nancy Baird, Salt Lake City, "Kukui"
Honorable Mention: Markay Brown, Springville, "Eve’s Child"
Class F: Short Story
First Place: Stephen Tuttle, Provo, "In California"
Second Place: David Pace, Salt Lake City "Flying Bishop"
Class G: Essay
First Place: Michael Palmer, Salt Lake City, "Dark Blue Biology"
Second Place: Patrick Madden, Lehi, "The Great Escape"
About the Annual Original Writing Competition: Started in 1958, the Annual Original Writing Competition identifies and awards Utah writers for works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in the form of short stories, essays, poems, and full-length manuscripts. Submissions must be original works and unpublished at the time of entry. Entries will be reviewed in a blind process by seven judges selected from outside of Utah. Past award winners have included Ron Carlson, David Lee, Katharine Coles, Ken Brewer, Pam Houston, Lyman Hafen, Margaret I. Rostkowski, Lance Larsen, John Bennion, Scott Cairns, Rod Carney, and Susan Howe.
If you have any questions about Utah's Annual Original Writing Competition, contact Guy Lebeda,, (801) 236-7553.
Schedule announced for 23rd annual Casper College Literary Conference Oct. 8-10
For more information on the conference, contact Terry Rasmussen in the Casper College English Dept., 307-268-2480.
Here's the full schedule:
Thursday, October 8
2-5 p.m.: Start and Finish Your Novel,” fiction workshop with Jackson novelist Tim Sandlin, CC Rm. CE 207
2-5 p.m.: “Writing to See, and Seeing to Write,” nonfiction workshop with South Dakota essayist and poet Linda Hasselstrom, CC Rm. CE 210
7:30 p.m.: Free Public Talk, FA 308 (Durham Hall) “On Becoming a Writer,” by globe-trotting journalist and author William Powers
Friday, October 9
9 a.m.-noon: “Writing for Change,” nonfiction workshop with William Powers, CC Rm. CE 217
9 a.m.-noon: “Poetry and the Repeated Encounter with Particulars,” workshop with Montana Poet Laureate Greg Pape, Roberts Commons Ballroom
2-5 p.m.: “Start and Finish Your Novel,” workshop (cont.) with Tim Sandlin, CE 207
2-5 p.m.: “Writing to See, and Seeing to Write,” workshop (cont.) with Linda Hasselstrom, CE 210
7:30 p.m.: Free Public Talks, FA 308 (Durham Hall) -- “The Despair of Writing Humor,” Tim Sandlin; “Mulch: How I Became a Writer,” Linda Hasselstrom
Saturday, October 10
9 a.m.-noon: “From Seed to Sale: The Art and Business of Writing and Publishing,” workshop (cont.) with William Powers, CE 217
9 a.m.-noon: Poetry workshop (cont.) with Greg Pape, CE 207 (note room change from Friday)
Noon: Free chili lunch for all conference attendees at Izaak Walton Clubhouse, 4205 Ft. Caspar Rd., featuring Rainier Schwarzkopf on classical guitar.
1:30 p.m.: Greg Pape and Wyoming Arts Council creative writing fellowship readings. Introduction by Mike Shay, WAC individual artists program specialist.
9 p.m.: Poetry slam (prose readings, music, and other creative acts also welcome). Emceed by George Vlastos, Metro Coffee Company, 241 S. David.
For more info on registration, contact Ann Dalton, Casper College, 307-268-2085.
Conference info will be up on the Casper College web site next week. Look on these pages for more info.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Bear River State Park - Video Series
Bear River State Park has partnered with the Uinta County Library to preview the video series, "The National Parks: America's Best Idea."
The six-video series, directed by Ken Burns and written and co-produced by Dayton Duncan, will be previewed on Tuesday September 22, at the Bear River Travel Information Center.
The series will be shown hourly beginning at 9 a.m. Anyone interested in previewing this series is welcome to attend. The series will be aired on PBS beginning on September 27 and running through October 2.
For more information, call Bear River State Park at 307-789-6547.
UW: Theatre & Dance
By Arthur Miller
Directed by John O'Hagan
September 29-October 4, 2009 Fine Arts Main Stage
(Tuesday-Saturday 7:30p.m. Sunday Matinee 2:00p.m.)
WINNER, 1953 Tony Award for Best Play
This gripping drama is a timeless tale of fear, greed, and power written by one of the greatest American playwrights. Widely regarded as Arthur Miller’s response to the unseemly “House Un-American Activities Committee” hearings in the 1950s and based on historical people and events, THE CRUCIBLE is a searing portrait of the mass hysteria that led to the tragic witch-hunts and trials in 17th century Salem, Massachusetts.
Seagulls in a Cherry Tree
A comedy written and directed by William Missouri Downs
October 20 - 25, 2009, 7:30 p.m.UW Fine Arts Building Studio Theatre
You don’t have to know a thing about famed Russian playwright Anton Chekhov to enjoy this new comedy by William Missouri Downs. The fun begins when two Hollywood screenwriters are hired by Disney to adapt the classic play THE CHERRY ORCHARD into a new movie for Mel Gibson. Looking for inspiration or just an escape from L.A.’s smog, the pair treks to an isolated arts colony just outside Moscow, Idaho. Little do they know they are about to be thrust squarely into their own hilarious Russian comedy.
Tickets can be purchased in person at the Fine Arts Box Office in the Fine Arts Lobby (10am-4pm M-F), online at, or by callin g 307-766-6666
Individual Ticket Prices: $14 General Public, $11 Seniors, $7 Students.
Season Ticket Prices: $78 General Public, $60 Seniors
Nammy-nominated Gary Small & the Coyote Brothers play this weekend in Jackson

Sample the band's music at
Film Shoot Out in Cheyenne begins Oct. 23
The Shoot Out Cheyenne asks its filmmakers to trust their courage, imagination and determination by making a 7-minute film in just 24 hours. The challenge and skill involved becomes evident with the list of required technical, material, and timing 'rules' for creating the films.
Once again we will be offering pre-event workshops to help people get ready for the event by learning about the event from past winners, obtain a better understanding of the rules of in-camera editing and challenging limitations designed by the organizers. Sign up for a pre-event workshop or go here to learn more.
The first The Shoot Out 24 Hour Filmmaking Festival Cheyenne will kick off on Oct. 23 at 5:55 p.m. inside of the Historic Plains Hotel lobby. Hope to see you there!
Supported in part by Downtown Cheyenne, Cheyenne Convention & Visitor Bureau, and the Wyoming Film Commission.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Old West storyteller takes on both sides of law
CODY - In the Old West, lawmen and outlaws were often inexorably linked in a strange, symbiotic relationship with the mention of one not really complete without the mention of the other.
Storyteller Jim Garry talks about the two groups at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. The presentation takes place in the Boone and Crockett cabin of the Cody Firearms Museum and is free with admission.
Garry is a folklorist, independent researcher, author and founder of Great Plains Lore and Natural History Inc. He's worked as a wilderness guide, teacher, cowboy, horse wrangler, camp cook, folklore collector and storyteller.
His many years spent working with and collecting stories from cowboys and cowboy musicians has given him a breadth of knowledge that he shares through his writing and speaking engagements.
Garry earned bachelor's and master's degrees from the School of Natural Resources at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He's participated in the Wyoming Humanities Council Speakers Bureau and has served as an artist-in-residence for both the Montana and Wyoming Arts Councils.
He was also a recent research fellow for the Center's Cody Institute for Western
American Studies.
In October, Garry shares his perspectives on Lewis and Clark on Oct. 17 and "the art of the hunt" on Oct. 24. Both talks are also at 2 p.m. in the Boone and Crockett cabin.
For information, contact Megan Wasp at or 307-578-4028.
Reel Rock Film Tour Comes to UW

2009 Literary Connection-Laramie County Community College Foundation Event
This year, we are introducing our morning workshop session on Friday with our three guest authors. They will each talk about the skills of writing, the process of literary development and more. On Saturday, we will reintroduce our authors as they present a guest lecture, again taking time to answer your questions and sign copies of their books.
Friday, Oct. 2
Health Science Building, Room 111/113
Free. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
Continental breakfast will be provided.
8:30 a.m. - Participant check-in
9:00 a.m. - Welcome
9:15 - 10:15 a.m. - Laura Pritchett
10:30 - 11:30 a.m. - Bill Roorbach
11:45 - 12:45 p.m. - Pam Houston
1:00 p.m. - Conclusion
Saturday, Oct. 3
Health Science Building, Room 111/113
$25 per person. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
Lunch will be provided.
9:30 a.m. - Participant check-in
10:00 a.m. - Welcome
10:15 - 11:00 a.m. - Laura Pritchett presentation
11:00 - 11:15 a.m. - Q/A
11:15 - 12:00 p.m. - Bill Roorbach presentation
12:00 - 12:15 p.m. - Q/A
12:30 - 1:45 p.m. - Lunch
2:00 - 2:45 p.m. - Pam Houston presentation
2:45 - 3:00 p.m. - Q/A
3:00 - 3:15 p.m. - Conclusion
3:15 - 4:00 p.m. - Book Signing
About the Authors
Please visit our guest authors' websites for more information:
Public Art Opportunities
Call to Artists: International Arrivals Building--The Airports Authority is seeking artists who will create artwork for three permanent installations intended to welcome arriving international passengers to the United States and the National Capital Region, to enhance their travel experience and to promote the cultural diversity of the National Capital Region.
Call to Artists: Federal Inspection Services Area, Concourse C--One project artist will be selected to work with nine classroom/art teacher sat schools in the National Capital Region to create student portraits for a public art project titled, HELLO AND WELCOME.
Both calls are on the front page of our website:
"PostSecret" Creator to Speak at UW

Tickets are available for $3 at the Wyoming Union information desk and the Fine Arts Center box office. They also are available by phone at (307) 766-6666 or online at
Warren, known as "the most trusted stranger in America," created the PostSecret Web site in 2005 to provide an anonymous place for people to send in a decorated postcard with a secret they have never revealed. Entries range from admissions of sexual misconduct and criminal activity to confessions of secret desires, embarrassing habits, hopes and dreams.
"I talk about my secret--an experience I never spoke of for more than three decades and eventually drove me to start collecting secrets from strangers," writes Warren on the PostSecret Facebook page. "And at the end of each event, we listen to the soulful, sexual or silly secrets from audience members."
The site has posted thousands of postcard secrets and led to four books that include selected postcards, with a fifth book set to be released later this year.
For more information, contact the Campus Activities Center at (307) 766-6340. The event is sponsored by the Student Activities Council.
Wyoming arts Alliance convenes in Laramie, November 1-3, 2009
Conference registration begins at 1:00p.m. Sunday, November 1 in the Fine Arts Building. Conference activities include informational workshops, performing arts showcases and block booking session, using technology in this fast paced world, peer networking and state and national arts organizations' updates.
The mission of the Wyoming Arts Alliance (WyAA) is to uniquely combine arts advocacy, professional services and information to advance a creative and culturally vibrant state. Artists of every genre, arts organizations as well as individuals interested in promoting the Arts in Wyoming are encouraged to attend.
Wyoming Arts Alliance partners with the Wyoming Arts Council, a state agency.
FMI: 307-689-8454, email: or visit
Cody High Style: Designing the West
720 Sheridan Ave Cody, WY 82414
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Two-day workshop: Molesworth-style keyhole chair, John Gallis
Norseman Designs West, 3532 Cottonwood Avenue.
All-day workshop: Traditional beading techniques, Lynda Covert and LoRheda Fry
8a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Buffalo Bill Historical Center Special Exhibition Gallery. Featuring more than forty of the nation’s leading western furniture, metal, and fashion designers.
5:30 p.m.
CODY HIGH STYLE FASHION SHOW #1 - Buffalo Bill Historical Center Orientation Gallery. A runway fashion show presenting couture collections from both up-andcoming and established fashion designers (two identical shows). Reservations required.
7:30 p.m.
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
10 a.m.
CODY HIGH STYLE SEMINAR.. Innovative Trends in Rustic Design and Architecture Buffalo Bill Historical Center Coe Auditorium. Author, Ralph Kylloe, Ph.D. 12. - 6 p.m.
STYLE WEST: A FINE WESTERN MARKET OF FASHION AND INTERIORS.. Cody Auditorium, 13th & Beck Ave. Admission $5. Shuttle available to and from the Buffalo Bill Historical Center.
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
1 p.m.
CODY HIGH STYLE ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION - Progression of Design and People’s Choice winner announcement. Buffalo Bill Historical Center Coe Auditorium. An informal atmosphere to promote western design traditions and the sharing of ideas; Cody High Style brings together some of today’s finest craftsmen and women in round table discussion groups. 2009 Switchback Ranch Purchase Award winner, Scott Armstrong, will discuss the progression of his award winning - Rockabilly - piece. Free to the public.
6:30 p.m.
33rd ANNUAL BUFFALO BILL HISTORICAL CENTER PATRONS BALL - Buffalo Bill Historical Center. A Night of R and R and Friends, a black-tie gala of fine dining and dancing in the galleries of the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. Reservations required.
See the full schedule at
Casper Chamber Music Society

Season tickets: Adults $50.00/Seniors $35.00/Student $12.00
Oktoberfest, with Rainer Schwarzkopf
Admission included with Season Pass
WSO Woodwind Quintet
Join Anthony Sacco and other writers Saturday at Wyoming Book Festival
This coming Saturday morning (9/19/09), I'll be at at Wyoming Book Festival in Lions Park in Cheyenne discussing my three books: Little Sister Lost, The China Connection, and Echoes in the Wind.
The festival is featuring a number of authors, an author's fair, kids crafts, storybook characters, and lots more, beginning at 10 a.m. and going on until 3 p.m., at or near the Ampitheater and the Community Building. I'll have a table, and a few chairs, so we can sit and talk a bit. Will also have copies of my books for sale, so if you'd like a signed copy, this is your chance to get one.It will be a fun day for the whole family. Hope to see you there.
Anthony J. Sacco, 307-245-3304. Find out more about his books at
Potters' Depot
Beginning Ceramics – Hand building and introduction to wheel throwing:
Wednesday mornings 11: am – 2: pm starting September 30, 2009
Wednesday evenings 6: pm – 9: pm starting September 30, 2009
Thursday evenings 6: pm – 9: pm starting October 1, 2009
Intermediate Wheel Throwing - focus on improving wheel throwing techniques:
Wednesday morning 10: am – 1: pm starting September 30, 2009
Wednesday evenings 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm starting September 30, 2009
Thursday evenings 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm starting October 1, 2009
Hand Building – focus on hand build projects
Thursday morning 10: am – 1: pm starting October 1, 2009
75E. Benteen Street, Buffalo, WY 82834
(307) 684-4555
Call for entries: "Landscape Interrupted"
Call for entries for "Landscape Interrupted: A Photographic Exhibition of the Influenced Landscape."
"Landscape Interrupted" seeks to exhibit photographic artwork depicting the influence that humans have within the landscape. Entries should focus on the interaction and change and takes place when humans correspond with our natural world. Landscape Interrupted is a national juried photography exhibition that will be held at the Coconino Center for the Arts, the cultural hub of Northern Arizona and the Flagstaff community, from January 19-February 17.
Juror is a professor of Photography at Arizona State University and formerly the curator for the International Museum of Photography at the George Eastman House. Jenkins is responsible for the curation of the New Topographics exhibit, an influential photography exhibition that took place in 1975 and transformed the aesthetic and idea of landscape photography.
In addition to the call for entries, "Landscape Interrupted" will display the work of three featured artists, Terry Falke, Joe Trevino and Susan Lynn Smith.
Deadline is November 20.
For more information, please visit our website at
Joe Cornett, Program Coordinator, Flagstaff (Ariz.) Cultural Partners,
928.779.2300 x103.