42 N Main, Sheridan, Wyoming
Spencer Bohren
Saturday, October 3, 7:30p.m.
$20 Adult/$18 Senior & Military/$11 Student/$9 12 and under
Spencer Borhen an artist, a traditionalist and a Wyoming Native has a marvelous gift for sharing his great love for America's wealth of traditional folk, blues, gospel and country music. His CD Carry the Word, an homage to the gospel music he grew up with, was named "Best CD of the Year 2000 by a Louisiana Artist," no small feat for a state teeming with talented blues and gospel singers. Listeners of Spencer's music are ever charmed by the openness and honesty inherent in it. He connects deeply with his audience in a way uncommon in this world filled with synthesized pop music. His laid-back stage presence and comfortable delivery make each concert feel like a pleasant visit with an old friend. And this being his eighth concert at the WYO Theater, he certainly is that. Isn't it time to visit with a friend? www.spencerbohren.com
Kevin Locke : Peacekeeper, Ally, Everyman
Tuesday, October 6, 7:00p.m.
$15 Adult/$13 Senior & Military/$8 Student/$5 12 and under
The WYO Theater's Children's Education and Family Series opens with inspiration. Kevin Locke (Tokeya Inajin is his Lakota name, meaning "The First to Arise") is known throughout the world as the pre-eminent player of the indigenous Northern Plains flute, as well as an inspiring hoop dancer, traditional storyteller, cultural ambassador and educator. Kevin has performed and lectured in more than 70 countries world-wide, he has served as a cultural ambassador for the United States Information Service since 1980 and was a featured performer and speaker at the 1996 United Nations Habitat II Conference in Turkey. Kevin's message is one of unity, "It is so hard for people to relate one to another because we all come from different backgrounds. But no matter where we come from, we can all connect with music." We hope the audience feels the same after experiencing Kevin's tremendous performance at the WYO.www.kevinlocke.com/kevin/index.html
Gala '09 Singing in the Rain
Saturday, October 24, 6:00p.m. $90
Encore Performances: Thursday, October 29-Saturday, October31, 7:30p.m. / Sunday, November1, 2:00p.m.
$20 Adult/$18 Senior & Military/$11 Student/$9 12 and under
You remember the plot. You love the characters. You know "the song." It's no less than the stage adaptation of one of the most celebrated and beloved films of all time and it's dancin' its way onto the WYO stage for the WYO Theater Gala '09. The WYO Theater will pay homage to the big screen beginnings for its 20th Anniversary Season with SinginĂ in the Rain, the stage adaptation of the cinematic miracle frequently described as one of the best musical ever made. You'll be singin' in your seat to the familiar tunes of this joyous classic featuring a cast and orchestra of some of Sheridan's finest talent led by directors Marva Craft and Tami Davis. This colorful and witty musical humorously satirizes and parodies the panic surrounding the troubling transitional period from silent films to talkies in the dream factory of Hollywood of the late 1920s. Such verbose ground breaking films were so popular they were even shown on the screen of the Lotus Theater (the WYO's predecessor) who introduced talkies to Wyoming in 1929. It's a singin' swingin' glorious feelin' that will have you walkin' down the lane with the happy refrain, just singin', singin' in the rain!Starring: Ryan Koltiska, Ryan Legler, Annie Magera, Stephanie Baran, Richard Davis, Matt Davis, Andrew Erusha, Patrick Garber, Ron Kensey, Heidi Parker, Jules Walker, Bob Wakefield, Teisha Abeyta, Shelby Garstad, Bailey Bateman, Becki Arneson, Nick Groshart, Adam Cross, Janelle Kethman, Emma Laurent, Claire Korpela, Pam Jensik and featuring several guest movie star appearances in films by Leon Schatz.
Late Nite Shenanigans Halloween Special
Saturday, October 31 11:00p.m. $15
Join the Shenanigan Crew for a Halloween Extravaganza you should be afraid to miss. It's a very special showing of the classic horror film, Night of the Living Dead but like so many things these guys do, it's not what you expect - the film has been Shenanified for your viewing pleasure. Put on your best/worst costume and walk stiffly to the WYO cause that costume could win you a super duper Shenani-Prize and you can even enjoy your frothy beverage (as long as it's not in a glass bottle) in the haunted house of the Theater.It's Halloween Shananistyle on a night when anything can happen!
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