Split This Rock Announces its Fourth Annual Adult Poetry Contest
Benefits Split This Rock Poetry Festival - Washington, D.C.
$1,000 awarded for poems of provocation and witness
Jan Beatty, Judge
Submission Guidelines:
Send up to 3 unpublished poems, no more than 6 pages total, in any style, in the spirit of Split This Rock (see below).
Postmark Deadline: November 1, 2010
Include one cover page containing your name, address, phone number, email, and the titles of your poems. This is the only part of the submission that should contain your name. Enclose a check or money order for $25 (made out to "Split This Rock") to:
Split This Rock Poetry Contest
1112 16th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
The reading fee of $25 supports Split This Rock Poetry Festival. Simultaneous submissions OK, but please notify us immediately if the poem is accepted elsewhere. For more information, info@splitthisrock.org.
•First place receives $500; second and third place receive $250 each.
•Winners receive free 2012 festival registration.
•The 1st-place winner will be invited to read the winning poem at Split This Rock Poetry Festival, 2012.
•Winning poems will be published here, at SplitThisRock.org.
Submissions should be in the spirit of Split This Rock: socially engaged poems, poems that reach beyond the self to connect with the larger community or world, poems of provocation and witness.
This theme can be interpreted broadly and may include — but is not limited to — work addressing politics, economics, government, war,leadership; issues of identity (gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, disability, body image, immigration, heritage, etc.); community, civic engagement, education, activism; and poems about history, Americana, cultural icons.
Contest Judge Bio: Jan Beatty
Jan Beatty's new book, Red Sugar, was published by the University of Pittsburgh Press in Spring, 2008. Other books include Boneshaker and Mad River, winner of the 1994 Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize. Beatty's poetry has appeared in Quarterly West, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, and Court Green, and in anthologies published by Oxford University Press, University of Illinois Press, and University of Iowa Press. Awards include the $15,000 Creative Achievement Award in Literature from the Heinz Foundation, the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry, and two fellowships from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. For the past thirteen years, she has hosted and produced "Prosody," a public radio show on NPR-affiliate WYEP-FM featuring the work of national writers. Beatty directs the creative writing program at Carlow University, where she runs the Madwomen in the Attic writing workshops and teaches in the MFA program.
FMI: http://www.splitthisrock.org/contests.html
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wyomingites invited to Opera Colorado's "Puccini"
Due to a shortage of opera in Wyoming, we give a plug to a Colorado org:
This Halloween, don't be caught dead without tickets to La Bohème.
Denver [and possibly Wyoming] is falling in love with Puccini's most romantic opera and very few seats are available. Get your tickets now to experience passion in Paris at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House.
Saturday, November 6, 2010 at 7:30 pm. Only 26 seats left for Opening Night!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 7:30 pm. Best seats on this night!
Friday, November 12, 2010 at 7:30 pm. Almost sold out - a few tickets left.
Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 2:00 pm. Very few tickets left - buy soon.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 7:30 pm. Limited tickets but some good seats.
Buy online or call 303.468.2030 before it's too late!
UW Social Justice Research Center presents free public lecture on nonviolence by Gandhi's grandson
From a University of Wyoming press release:
The grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Arun Gandhi, peace activist and proponent of nonviolence, will speak at the University of Wyoming Tuesday, Nov. 16, as part of the UW Social Justice Research Center's semester speaker series.
His free public lecture, "Lessons Learned from My Grandfather: Non-violence in a Violent World," -- offering firsthand insights into one of history's most influential leaders -- is from 4-5:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts main stage.
"We are excited to have Mr. Gandhi here at the University of Wyoming. At a time of such contentious societal dialogue around the war in Afghanistan, immigration reform and restrictions, and even the meaning of social justice, a voice of peace and civility is much needed," says Francisco Rios, UW Social Justice Research Center director and head of the Department of Educational Studies.
Few names in world history evoke such powerful images of integrity, courage, social harmony and -- perhaps most of all -- hope, than Gandhi. Arun Gandhi carries within himself the same guiding principles as his grandfather, the legendary peace-maker and spiritual leader.
Growing up in apartheid South Africa as a person of Indian heritage meant racial confrontations with both blacks and whites. Filled with rage and plotting to avenge his beatings, Arun Gandhi subscribed to Charles Atlas' bodybuilding magazines so he would have the strength to fight back. When his parents discovered the reason for their 12-year-old son's sudden fascination with exercise, they decided that a visit to his grandfather in India was in order.
What followed was an 18-month stay with one of the world's great leaders that would give him the keys to the powerful philosophy of nonviolence and help shape the foundation for his life's work.
After leading successful projects for economic and social reform in India, Arun Gandhi came to the United States in 1987 to complete research for a comparative study on racism in America. In 1991, Gandhi and his late wife, Sunanda, founded the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, now headquartered at the University of Rochester, N.Y. The institute promotes nonviolence through workshops, lectures and community outreach programs.
UW's Social Justice Research Center, Indian Student Association and the Department of Theatre and Dance sponsor the talk. For more information, call the UW Social Justice Research Center at (307) 766-3422.
Photo: Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, will discuss "Lessons Learned from My Grandfather: Non-violence in a Violent World," from 4-5:30 p.m. Nov. 16, in the Fine Arts main stage.
Call for entries: "Space" and "Fame" exhibits at Rutgers Paul Robeson Galleries
Call for entries for visual artists (from NYFA Current):
Two exhibitions - "Space" and "Fame"
Paul Robeson Galleries at Rutgers University, Newark N.J.
With the recent announcement that National Aeronautics and Space Administration (or NASA - best known as the agency that put the first man on the moon), is about to end its moon program for the foreseeable future it seems timely to curate an exhibition about the issues relating to space exploration. We are seeking proposals for work relating to the topic of ‘space’, and this may include: Perceptions of future life based in space, Space agencies, i.e. NASA, Russian space agency, the race for space, NASA by products, Objects in space - moon, sun, stars, planets, asteroid, meteor, galaxy, Ways of viewing space from earth- telescopes, satellites, The life of an astronaut, The possibility of other life forms in space, aliens, Popular culture and science fiction – Television (Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica), film (Star wars) and literature, Design for space – the spaceship, lifestyles within space craft.
Exhibition will be on display September- December 2011.
Fame is defined as an impression, report or opinion about someone or something which is widely known. It may be of a positive of negative nature, and impact on the standing of that individual within a society. The United States has been described as a fame hungry culture, which has been fuelled in recent years by the plethora of communication devices, social networking internet sites which facilitate the dispersal of information in real time, and a slew of reality programming on both television and the internet. This exhibition will focus on the work of artists who address ideas about fame and infamy, celebrity culture, current idols, imitation of celebrities, any and all attempts to secure at least 15 minutes in the spotlight.
Exhibition will be on display January – March 2012.
These exhibitions will be accompanied by substantial exhibition catalogues.
Please do not contact us for a status report on your application; all artists will be notified in due course as to the outcome of their proposal.
All proposals must be posted to: Exhibitions Department, Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers University, 350 Dr Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, Newark, New Jersey, 07102
A proposal should consist of the following:
An artist statement illustrating your concept and how it relates to this exhibition
A CD with images (still or moving) of related artworks and an accompanying list of details about the works (title, date, medium, dimensions, and possibly a narrative).
A recent resume
Your complete contact details – name, address, email address, telephone
Website: http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/artgallery/opportunities/index.html
Two exhibitions - "Space" and "Fame"
Paul Robeson Galleries at Rutgers University, Newark N.J.
With the recent announcement that National Aeronautics and Space Administration (or NASA - best known as the agency that put the first man on the moon), is about to end its moon program for the foreseeable future it seems timely to curate an exhibition about the issues relating to space exploration. We are seeking proposals for work relating to the topic of ‘space’, and this may include: Perceptions of future life based in space, Space agencies, i.e. NASA, Russian space agency, the race for space, NASA by products, Objects in space - moon, sun, stars, planets, asteroid, meteor, galaxy, Ways of viewing space from earth- telescopes, satellites, The life of an astronaut, The possibility of other life forms in space, aliens, Popular culture and science fiction – Television (Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica), film (Star wars) and literature, Design for space – the spaceship, lifestyles within space craft.
Exhibition will be on display September- December 2011.
Fame is defined as an impression, report or opinion about someone or something which is widely known. It may be of a positive of negative nature, and impact on the standing of that individual within a society. The United States has been described as a fame hungry culture, which has been fuelled in recent years by the plethora of communication devices, social networking internet sites which facilitate the dispersal of information in real time, and a slew of reality programming on both television and the internet. This exhibition will focus on the work of artists who address ideas about fame and infamy, celebrity culture, current idols, imitation of celebrities, any and all attempts to secure at least 15 minutes in the spotlight.
Exhibition will be on display January – March 2012.
These exhibitions will be accompanied by substantial exhibition catalogues.
Please do not contact us for a status report on your application; all artists will be notified in due course as to the outcome of their proposal.
All proposals must be posted to: Exhibitions Department, Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers University, 350 Dr Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, Newark, New Jersey, 07102
A proposal should consist of the following:
An artist statement illustrating your concept and how it relates to this exhibition
A CD with images (still or moving) of related artworks and an accompanying list of details about the works (title, date, medium, dimensions, and possibly a narrative).
A recent resume
Your complete contact details – name, address, email address, telephone
Website: http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/artgallery/opportunities/index.html
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Writer and Pinedale native Kate Meadows sends greetings to Wyoming
A very talented group of Gen Y Wyomingites are finding their way in the world. Many of them are artists and writers and performers, weaned on visiting poets in the schools or Wyoming Shakespeare Company summer performances in the park or stints at the annual High School Arts Symposium. Many of them live in other states or other countries because, well, Wyoming doesn't have jobs for them. Now now, anyway.
Because the Wyoming Arts Council had a hand in some of the nurturing arts events noted above, we get many inquiries about our grants, fellowships and related programs. If you're over 18, and you live in the state, we can assist you. If you are an artist plying your trade in some remote enclave such as San Diego or Cape Cod or London, you can't apply for a WAC fellowship. But we still like to hear from you. We can also promote your work with the hope that one day you shall return to The Equality and/or Cowboy State to live and work. You may not have heard but Wyoming is an up-and-coming arts state. Skeptics may want to read the recently commissioned Wyoming Creative Vitality Index (CVI) on our web site.
So, until you come to your senses and return to your home stomping grounds of Torrington or Meeteetse, you can contact your trusty blog editors with news about your life as an artist. We had one such call today from a young woman who grew up in Pinedale. She had the benefit of growing up attending the myriad events sponsored by one of the oldest arts organizations in the state -- the Pinedale Fine Arts Council.
We'll let Kate Meadows tell her own story:
She is obviously a talented writer. If you're a publisher and want to publish Kate's book -- or are an old Sublette County friend and want to say hi -- drop us a line at mshay@state.wy.us or lcoatn@state.wy.us and we'll make sure Kate gets the message.
Because the Wyoming Arts Council had a hand in some of the nurturing arts events noted above, we get many inquiries about our grants, fellowships and related programs. If you're over 18, and you live in the state, we can assist you. If you are an artist plying your trade in some remote enclave such as San Diego or Cape Cod or London, you can't apply for a WAC fellowship. But we still like to hear from you. We can also promote your work with the hope that one day you shall return to The Equality and/or Cowboy State to live and work. You may not have heard but Wyoming is an up-and-coming arts state. Skeptics may want to read the recently commissioned Wyoming Creative Vitality Index (CVI) on our web site.
So, until you come to your senses and return to your home stomping grounds of Torrington or Meeteetse, you can contact your trusty blog editors with news about your life as an artist. We had one such call today from a young woman who grew up in Pinedale. She had the benefit of growing up attending the myriad events sponsored by one of the oldest arts organizations in the state -- the Pinedale Fine Arts Council.
We'll let Kate Meadows tell her own story:
Kate Meadows is a Pinedale native and nonfiction writer specializing in journalism and personal essays. She was born in Jackson Hole and became the third generation of her family to call Sublette County home. She lived in Pinedale for 18 years, attending the same high school as her father and graduating Salutatorian of her class in 2002. She started her writing career at her two hometown newspapers, The Pinedale Roundup and The Sublette Examiner, where she launched profile sections that regularly featured true local characters. Her work has also appeared in national, regional and specialty publications, including Listen magazine, China Daily newspaper, No Body’s Perfect: Stories by Teens About Body Image, Self-Acceptance, and the Search for Identity and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks, Mom. She earned her MFA in Creative and Professional Writing through Western Connecticut State University in 2010. She lives in the Kansas City area with her husband and one-year-old son.Kate also said that she received her first writing award from Wyoming Writers, Inc., earning first place in the organization's annual statewide writing competition for her children’s poem, “The Winterland Fairy.”
Meadows is the author of Tough Love: A Wyoming Childhood, a collection of personal essays that recounts her experience as an only child growing up in rural Wyoming. The essays explore how Meadows was influenced, both by the rugged and remote landscape and by the raw and gnarly characters that call Sublette County home. The collection probes what it means to be tough, especially in the sparse and lonely environment that is the true modern West. She is currently seeking a publisher.
She is obviously a talented writer. If you're a publisher and want to publish Kate's book -- or are an old Sublette County friend and want to say hi -- drop us a line at mshay@state.wy.us or lcoatn@state.wy.us and we'll make sure Kate gets the message.
Book launch party on the eve of All Hallow's Eve
Bon Nuit Publishing will host a book launch for Johan Adkins‘ novels Prismland, Earth 1 and Spirit Speaks-The Transformation Connection at the New Community House in Lion’s Park, Cheyenne, 2-4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30. Halloween costumes are encouraged, people dressed up as characters from the books will mingle with guests, and Shirley Anderson will present a one-act play.
FMI: http://www.johanadkins.com/
FMI: http://www.johanadkins.com/
Getting back to the Basix at UW Nov. 6
The University of Wyoming fall Cultural Programs' concert series continues with Basix, an a cappella ensemble, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6, in the Fine Arts concert hall.
Tickets cost $28 for the public, $24 for students and senior citizens. To purchase tickets, go to the Web site at www.uwyo.edu/finearts or call (307) 766-6666.
Basix began by winning the top award at the Dansk Melody Grand Prix contest, broadcast live on national television. Its first album, The Grass, won the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Award (CARA), stayed on the "Top 10" charts for seven weeks and "went platinum" (in Denmark, it's silver, gold, herring and platinum).
Since then, Basix has won the CARA award three more times, and has now been touring internationally, with its own blend of pop, jazz, r&b, soul and rock and roll.
Photo: The a cappella group, Basix, will perform at the University of Wyoming Saturday, Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts concert hall.
Renegade Americana's fiddling poet Ken Waldman travels to Wyoming in November
Great article in 10/27 Denver Post about Ken Waldman, Alaska's fiddling poet who will conduct a number of residencies and events in Wyoming in November. Read "Alaska's fiddling poet brings his renegade Americana to Lakewood" at http://www.denverpost.com/entertainment/ci_16450806
Ken leaves Colorado for a series of renegade Americana events in Wyoming (and vicinity). Here is the schedule from his web site:
Friday, November 5th, 2010 8:00 PM
Casper, WY
Two-day residency for this fabulous performing arts series. Evening concert will feature special guests.
Saturday, November 6th, 2010 7:00 PM
Teton Arts Council show
Alpine Wines
Driggs, ID
This will be sponsored by the Teton Arts Council, on the other side of the mountains from Wyoming. Beautiful spot, and we'll certainly have some fun. There will be special guests. In addition to the Saturday evening show, there will be a workshop on Sunday.
Monday, November 8-12, 2010 10:00 AM
Pinedale residency
Pinedale WY schools
Pinedale, WY
Five days in schools, and an evening event or two--more details as I have them! The residency is sponsored by the marvelous Pinedale Fine Arts Council.
Saturday, November 13th, 2010 8:00 PM
Kemmerer show with Jalan Crossland
South Lincoln Events and Training Center
Kemmerer, WY
I'll be joined by Ten Sleep guitarist and banjo player, Jalan Crossland.
Monday, November 15th, 2010 10:00 AM
Lander PALS residency at various Lander schools
Lander, WY
I'll be spending 4 or 5 days in and around Lander through PALS, an acronym for Promoting Arts in Lander Schools. More details as I have them.
FMI: http://www.kenwaldman.com/
Save the Date -- Wyoming Art for the Cure 4/29/11
Attention artists! Save the Date: April 29, 2011.
Mark your calendars now! Wyoming Art for the Cure will be held on Friday, April 29, 2011 from 6-9 p.m . at Little America Hotel & Resort.
Get more info -- and view last year's entries -- at http://www.komenwyoming.org/wyomingartforthecure
Mark your calendars now! Wyoming Art for the Cure will be held on Friday, April 29, 2011 from 6-9 p.m . at Little America Hotel & Resort.
Get more info -- and view last year's entries -- at http://www.komenwyoming.org/wyomingartforthecure
Meet the Touchstone Laramie artists: Dona M. Fleming
Dona M. Fleming, "Overflight" (detail, 2009), Hand-painted ArtSilk, embellished, 17"X 36"
Dona will be one of the artists exhibiting and selling their work when The Laramie Artists Project presents the 5th biennial “Touchstone Laramie” on Saturday, Nov.13, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 14, from 1-5 p.m at the Fairfield Inn in Laramie. The event is a special fine art exhibition and sale by a consortium of Laramie’s professional artists. FMI: http://www.laramieartistsproject.com/
Albany County,
art show,
fiber arts,
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
See Brad and Janet and all the rest of the gang on screen at the Atlas Theatre Oct. 29-30
From the Cheyenne Little Theatre:
Still one more weekend to experience the Halloween Spook-tacular at the Atlas Theatre. Friday and Saturday nights, come experience the cult classic THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW with showtimes at 8 p.m. and midnight. Tickets are $10 and include an interactive prop bag. Tickets are available through the Mary Godfrey Theatre Box Office or one hour before the events at the Atlas.
FMI: http://www.cheyennelittletheatre.org/halloween_events.asp
Still one more weekend to experience the Halloween Spook-tacular at the Atlas Theatre. Friday and Saturday nights, come experience the cult classic THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW with showtimes at 8 p.m. and midnight. Tickets are $10 and include an interactive prop bag. Tickets are available through the Mary Godfrey Theatre Box Office or one hour before the events at the Atlas.
FMI: http://www.cheyennelittletheatre.org/halloween_events.asp
Two more quilt mysteries by Barbara Graham in the works
Cody mystery author, quilter and Wyoming Writers, Inc., member Barbara Graham was interviewed by Jean Henry Mead for an Oct. 23 story on the mysterious writers blog. Here's a snippet from the interview:
Jean: What are you working on now?
Barbara: The third book in the series, Murder by Music: The Wedding Quilt will release next October and I am working on Murder by Vegetable: The Baby Quilt now. I also am trying to find a home for a suspense novel not connected to the series.
Park County,
Wyoming Writers Inc.
C.J. Box's "geezer noir" story in new anthology
News from Cheyenne writer C.J. Box:
A new short story by C.J. Box will be published in December 2010.
"Damn Near Dead 2: Live Noir or Die Trying"
Edited by Bill Crider.
Introduction by Charlaine Harris.
Trade paperback original / $18 (Canada $21.95) December 2010 / 978-1-935415-21-3)
Features original "geezer noir" stories by Ace Atkins, C. J. Box, Christa Faust, Ed Gorman, Carolyn Haines, Joe R. Lansdale, Denise Mina, Marcia Muller, Bill Pronzini, Cornelia Read, Kat Richardson, S. J Rozan, Don Winslow, and more!
C.J. Box's contribution is called "The End of Jim and Ezra."
FMI: http://www.cjbox.net/
A new short story by C.J. Box will be published in December 2010.
"Damn Near Dead 2: Live Noir or Die Trying"
Edited by Bill Crider.
Introduction by Charlaine Harris.
Trade paperback original / $18 (Canada $21.95) December 2010 / 978-1-935415-21-3)
Features original "geezer noir" stories by Ace Atkins, C. J. Box, Christa Faust, Ed Gorman, Carolyn Haines, Joe R. Lansdale, Denise Mina, Marcia Muller, Bill Pronzini, Cornelia Read, Kat Richardson, S. J Rozan, Don Winslow, and more!
C.J. Box's contribution is called "The End of Jim and Ezra."
FMI: http://www.cjbox.net/
Laramie County,
short fiction,
Telling Stories performs music by UW composers
From a University of Wyoming press release:
New Denver-based music ensemble, Telling Stories will present works by University of Wyoming composers Amber Pollock, Ryan Pendleton, Justin Smith, Joao Machado, Jacob Gunnels and Daniel Galbreath Saturday, Oct. 30, at 3 p.m. in the UW Fine Arts Center concert hall. The free concert is supported by the Douglas B. Reeves endowment for music composition.
Telling Stories is a fixture in the Denver area musical scene. Their performances, which often mix music and other art forms, have drawn large audiences in and around Denver since 2006.
Westword magazine hails their "casual presentations of chamber works and readings of original essays," calling them a "merry troupe of young virtuosos."
Thomas Blomster conducts Telling Stories. His recent composition, "A Brighton Serenade," is, in his own words, a "summation of my interests" ranging from Frank Zappa to J.S. Bach.
Telling Stories will apply their prodigious skill and dedication to music by UW's top-notch Composition Seminar. These experienced composers have written for several media, but for this concert will present music for various subsets of the traditional "Pierrot" ensemble (flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, and percussion). The pieces are an eclectic group--provocative (Pollock), edgy (Pendleton), humorous (Smith), sophisticated (Machado), assertive (Gunnels), and pensive (Galbreath).
The composers will discuss their works at a reception that will take place following the concert, at a venue to be announced. For more information e-mail Anne Guzzo, guzzo@uwyo.edu .
Photo: Amber Pollock is among the UW student composers who will have their works showcased by the award-winning music ensemble, Telling Stories, Saturday, Oct. 30, at 3 p.m. in the UW Fine Arts Center concert hall.
New Denver-based music ensemble, Telling Stories will present works by University of Wyoming composers Amber Pollock, Ryan Pendleton, Justin Smith, Joao Machado, Jacob Gunnels and Daniel Galbreath Saturday, Oct. 30, at 3 p.m. in the UW Fine Arts Center concert hall. The free concert is supported by the Douglas B. Reeves endowment for music composition.
Telling Stories is a fixture in the Denver area musical scene. Their performances, which often mix music and other art forms, have drawn large audiences in and around Denver since 2006.
Westword magazine hails their "casual presentations of chamber works and readings of original essays," calling them a "merry troupe of young virtuosos."
Thomas Blomster conducts Telling Stories. His recent composition, "A Brighton Serenade," is, in his own words, a "summation of my interests" ranging from Frank Zappa to J.S. Bach.
Telling Stories will apply their prodigious skill and dedication to music by UW's top-notch Composition Seminar. These experienced composers have written for several media, but for this concert will present music for various subsets of the traditional "Pierrot" ensemble (flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, and percussion). The pieces are an eclectic group--provocative (Pollock), edgy (Pendleton), humorous (Smith), sophisticated (Machado), assertive (Gunnels), and pensive (Galbreath).
The composers will discuss their works at a reception that will take place following the concert, at a venue to be announced. For more information e-mail Anne Guzzo, guzzo@uwyo.edu .
Photo: Amber Pollock is among the UW student composers who will have their works showcased by the award-winning music ensemble, Telling Stories, Saturday, Oct. 30, at 3 p.m. in the UW Fine Arts Center concert hall.
Photo of the week: Susan Moldenhauer
Susan Modenhauer, "The White Desert, Egypt" (2010), archival inks on Inkpress WT paper, 12" x 18"
This is just one of the photos by Susan that will be on display when The Laramie Artists Project presents the 5th biennial “Touchstone Laramie” on Saturday, Nov.13, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 14, from 1-5 p.m at the Fairfield Inn in Laramie. The event is a special fine art exhibition and sale by a consortium of Laramie’s professional artists.
FMI: http://www.laramieartistsproject.com/
This is just one of the photos by Susan that will be on display when The Laramie Artists Project presents the 5th biennial “Touchstone Laramie” on Saturday, Nov.13, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 14, from 1-5 p.m at the Fairfield Inn in Laramie. The event is a special fine art exhibition and sale by a consortium of Laramie’s professional artists.
FMI: http://www.laramieartistsproject.com/
Albany County,
art show,
"Paris Papers" by artist and former WAC staffer Lili Francuz opens Nov. 5 in Denver
Former Wyoming Arts Council visual arts specialist Lili Francuz has an exhibit at Alliance Francaise de Denver Nov. 5-Dec. 21. Opening reception Nov. 5. FMI: http://www.lilifrancuz.com/
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Wyoming Humanities Council offers civility program as an antidote to these "uncivil" times
Milward Simpson, director of the Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, wrote a guest op-ed for the Oct. 24 Casper Star-Tribune. His essay focused on the new Wyoming Humanities Council program on a timely topic -- civility. This is a slightly longer version of the CST op-ed:
October is National Arts and Humanities Month. In honor of the occasion I’m writing to announce that the Wyoming Humanities Council (WHC) will be conducting a new series of programs and activities beginning in fall 2010 bringing Wyoming citizens together to focus on an important and timely topic: civility.
Much has been made of these “uncivil” times. As Americans, we are all familiar with the words and images that have characterized our political landscape in recent months and years: politicians resorting to ugly personal attacks and extreme public statements, the advent of the inchoate tea party movement and the inchoate, mocking response to it, all this amorphous anger, the mob chaos of political town meetings, entire TV “news” programs devoted to one-sided polemic, and here, closer to home, the uproar over Bill Ayers and extremists threatening to burn religious texts on the capitol steps. Even in Wyoming where we know that we daren’t offend our neighbor for risk of offending the entire community that sustains us, we are not immune.
The fuel we seem to keep pouring onto the fire is distilled from a variety of sources: the proliferation of electronic communication leading to an increasingly polarized media (what journalists Halperin and Harris refer to as “the freak show”), the increasing geopolitical phenomenon in which people choose to live where their political views will be reinforced (what author Bill Bishop refers to as “The Clustering of Like-Minded America;” and a frustrated electorate facing the seeming impossibility of getting anything done in the almost complete absence of compromise – we have all been burned by the volatility of these forces.
Of course, our democratic experiment has often been characterized by periods of national upheaval where incivility reigned. The publication “America’s Civil War” in its most recent issue stated “…if you think politics are polarizing now, try to imagine the angst in this country after Abraham Lincoln was elected president 150 years ago…” Cabinet members resigned, seven states voted to secede from the Union and Federal property in South Carolina was confiscated and/or destroyed leaving Ft. Sumter as the only federal property remaining. Yet, though far perhaps from the depth of the divisions which resulted in our great Civil War, the word “secession” has wormed its way back into the national dialogue. Our current cultural environment does call into question the cohesion of our nation and our collective ability to confront the enormous issues facing us - economic, environmental and social.
It is not that we should disagree less. Indeed, part of our American dynamism comes from the fact that we are born and bred to argue. Our democracy draws its strength from it. The esteemed journalist Howard Fineman in his book “The Thirteen American Arguments,” argues that, if anything, we don’t argue enough “…about the fundamentals. The … arguments bitterly divide us, but they also define, inspire, and ultimately unite us by bestowing legitimacy on hard fought deals…”
The difference today seems to be civility – what National Endowment for the Humanities Chairman Jim Leach refers to as the willingness and ability to “walk in another’s shoes.” I had the honor of meeting Mr. Leach during his visit to Wyoming last month as part of his 50-state “American Civility Tour.” Leach, a 30-year Iowa Congressman known for his effectiveness in working across the aisle, launched his tour to “call attention to the need for civility in public discourse.” I have seldom met a more erudite gentleman, yet, he puts this all very simply: “Civilization requires civility. Words matter. Polarizing attitudes can jeopardize social cohesion.”
While pondering this piece, I thought of civility in light of my own family’s history of public service. Many of us are known to be “scrappers” who don’t back down from a fight and are prone, for better or worse, to speak our minds. My grandfather Milward, during his term as Governor in the late 1950’s, once wrote a quite uncivil letter responding to a constituent who seems to have taken issue with his conduct in office. Granddad dashed off his vitriolic missive and told his Chief of Staff Bob McManus to “mail the thing to that #@$&% SOB.” Bob did as he was told. Later that day, Governor Simpson came to him and asked, “…you didn’t mail that letter, did you!?” Bob said that he had. Granddad exclaimed something like “Oh God, we’ve got to go get it!” and they walked (I’m sure with less than sure legal footing) to the postmaster who agreed to retrieve the letter before it left the post office. From then on, when granddad had occasion (as he apparently continued to do) to direct his Chief of Staff to “mail the thing to that dirty rotten…!” or something of the like, Bob would wisely pocket the letter so when he was asked the inevitable “you didn’t mail that thing did you!?,” he simply retrieved it from his vest pocket – a sort of “pocket veto” of an uncivil instinct, for which the family is eternally grateful.
How do we confront this issue here in our beloved, wonderful and still wild Wyoming? The Wyoming Humanities Council’s Civility Matters! initiative was inspired by Chairman Leach’s call to action. The WCH describes these statewide programs as being “…presented in a variety of formats and will explore historically contentious events, as well as contemporary state, national, and international issues. Wide-ranging topics may include "cyber-civility" and public discourse in the digital age; sports and civility; cyber and school bullying; academic freedom; generational differences; national topics, such as second amendment rights, labor relations, and energy and water issues; regional topics, such as the Rock Springs Massacre, the Johnson County Wars, and the World War II Heart Mountain Relocation Center; and international topics, such as Islamic contributions to world cultures and the Iraq/Afghanistan wars.” The variable format for these discussions is intended to encourage interaction and will include visiting scholar presentations, online film and book discussions, summer watermelon/ice cream socials, publications, and community potluck dialogues.
The Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources is proud to provide support for these programs and feels they will benefit Wyoming as we explore the issue as a state and rededicate ourselves to our proud “live and let live” credo, to arguing and disagreeing while retaining our civility and our mutual respect. Back to Fineman, our civil discourse, our arguments, “…produced a civil war, the still-smoldering embers of racial tribalism, and pitiless economic competition; but they also produce the freest of societies, an ongoing (if imperfect) accommodation between capital and community, and a Constitution that stands as a beacon to the world even if we sometimes honor it in the breach. Arguing keeps us moving fitfully forward – toward being worthy of the gifts God gave us.”
As we celebrate National Arts and Humanities Month, I invite you to participate in these activities and be a part of this important discourse. After all, it’s the American thing to do!
Michelle Obama and the arts
Two articles from the Washington Post about Michelle Obama's support of the arts.
"Pricing Strategies for Artists" Oct. 30 at Cheyenne Artists' Guild
You are invited to a presentation on "Pricing Strategies for Artists" on Saturday, Oct. 30, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., at the Cheyenne Artists' Guild, 1701 Morrie Ave., Cheyenne.
Andrea Pressue, director of micro-lending for the Wyoming Women's Business Center, will present.
Artists should bring a rough estimate of their expenses, including insurance, studio space rental, web site hosting fees, etc.
Fee is $15 for members, $20 for non-members.
FMI: http://www.cheyenneartistsguild.org/
Andrea Pressue, director of micro-lending for the Wyoming Women's Business Center, will present.
Artists should bring a rough estimate of their expenses, including insurance, studio space rental, web site hosting fees, etc.
Fee is $15 for members, $20 for non-members.
FMI: http://www.cheyenneartistsguild.org/
Laramie County,
Author Gene Gagliano to sign books at Wyoming State Museum on Oct. 30
Children’s Author Eugene Gagliano will hold a book signing at the Wyoming State Museum in Cheyenne, Saturday, October 30, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Gagliano, a Wyoming Arts Council roster artist, has written several children’s books including “C is for Cowboy: A Wyoming Alphabet,” and “Four Wheels West: A Wyoming Number Book.”
Many of the Buffalo-based writer's books will be available for purchase.
The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne.
FMI: 307-777-7022.
Gagliano, a Wyoming Arts Council roster artist, has written several children’s books including “C is for Cowboy: A Wyoming Alphabet,” and “Four Wheels West: A Wyoming Number Book.”
Many of the Buffalo-based writer's books will be available for purchase.
The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne.
FMI: 307-777-7022.
Deadline draws nigh for WAC Blanchan & Doubleday writing awards
The postmark deadline for the 2011 Blanchan & Doubleday writing awards is Oct. 29, 2010.
The competition is open to Wyoming residents only, 18 or older.
The Neltje Blanchan Award, $1,000, is given for the best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or script which is informed by a relationship with the natural world.
The Frank Nelson Doubleday Award, $1,000, is given for the best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or script written by a woman author.
Ohio fiction writer and poet Jeanne Bryner has agreed to serve as the juror for this year’s competition.
Printable applications are available at the Wyoming Arts Council web site.
FMI: Mike Shay at 307-777-5234
The competition is open to Wyoming residents only, 18 or older.
The Neltje Blanchan Award, $1,000, is given for the best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or script which is informed by a relationship with the natural world.
The Frank Nelson Doubleday Award, $1,000, is given for the best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or script written by a woman author.
Ohio fiction writer and poet Jeanne Bryner has agreed to serve as the juror for this year’s competition.
Printable applications are available at the Wyoming Arts Council web site.
FMI: Mike Shay at 307-777-5234
Call for entries: Alex Workshop Center in Egypt
Seen on the New York Foundation for the Arts Facebook page:
The Alex workshop center in Alexandria, Egypt, is holding a program of artistic residencies for international artists starting in January 2011 to April 2012; this program is specialized for both sculpturing (stones) and Intaglio nontoxic printmaking for professional artists. The center will host one artist in each field in the period of 1 February 2011 to 15 February 2011. The center will provide accommodation and work studio for 12 work days, although the artist will have to afford the expenses of his/her transportation from his/her residency to Alexandria and the artistic materials.
The applications are to be presented from Monday 1 November to Tuesday 30 November 2010. Applications presented after that will not be regarded.
1- The applications are sent only by email to the center’s email info@alexworkshopcenter.org
2- The artist has to apply an updated resume
3- About 6 to 8 works that have been done in the last three years none of the images is more than 60kb in size.
4- Each artist will make an exhibition to show his/her works in the beginning of his/her coming to the center
5- Each artist will, at the end of eacgh residency, hold a workshop in his/her area of experience for 4 days for the young artists.
6- The center will hold an exhibition of the works that the artist has produced in the period of his/her residency and also the results of workshops in the observatory hall in the center.
For more information http://www.alexworkshopcenter.org/
The Alex workshop center in Alexandria, Egypt, is holding a program of artistic residencies for international artists starting in January 2011 to April 2012; this program is specialized for both sculpturing (stones) and Intaglio nontoxic printmaking for professional artists. The center will host one artist in each field in the period of 1 February 2011 to 15 February 2011. The center will provide accommodation and work studio for 12 work days, although the artist will have to afford the expenses of his/her transportation from his/her residency to Alexandria and the artistic materials.
The applications are to be presented from Monday 1 November to Tuesday 30 November 2010. Applications presented after that will not be regarded.
1- The applications are sent only by email to the center’s email info@alexworkshopcenter.org
2- The artist has to apply an updated resume
3- About 6 to 8 works that have been done in the last three years none of the images is more than 60kb in size.
4- Each artist will make an exhibition to show his/her works in the beginning of his/her coming to the center
5- Each artist will, at the end of eacgh residency, hold a workshop in his/her area of experience for 4 days for the young artists.
6- The center will hold an exhibition of the works that the artist has produced in the period of his/her residency and also the results of workshops in the observatory hall in the center.
For more information http://www.alexworkshopcenter.org/
Monday, October 25, 2010
Indian Country Today: Eyeglass frames feature Native art
Liz Bent of the Penticton Indian Band of British Columbia is seen recently at the Wellpinit powwow wearing the "Coyote Moon" eyeglass frame design by Smoker Marchand. Photo by Jackie McNeel.
From a story in the Oct. 13 edition of Indian Country Today by Jack McNeel:
SPOKANE, Wash. – Wearable art is nothing new. We wear all forms of jewelry and clothing inspired by Native artists, but something new is available and designed particularly with Native Americans in mind. Eyeglass frames with designs created by Smoker Marchand, a member of the Colville Confederated Tribes, Arrow Lakes Band, are the latest in wearable art.
The company producing these frames is Encore Vision, Inc. located in Spokane, Wash. It’s not a Native-owned company but General Manager Teri Harris said their focus will be the Native American niche and she plans to expand their offerings to include designs from Indian artists throughout the country, thus providing a wide variety of styles and designs. Marchand is the first artist to be signed and was told at the time that others would follow.
"They told me from the get-go that they’re looking for different Indian artists from different areas. They’d like to incorporate that and I said that’s no problem.”Read the rest of the story here.
art therapy,
Native Americans,
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wyoming State Archives podcast looks back at 1969's "Black 14" controversy
The October 23 football game between the University of Wyoming and Brigham Young brings back memories of the 1960s stand-off between some of the football players and their coach in the proposed protest by the players against the LDS church's then-policy to keep African Americans from holding certain high level positions in the church heirarchy.
The Wyoming State Archives looks back on one of the darkest periods of that history with a podcast featuring a series of interviews revisiting the Black 14 incident of October 1969. The podcast includes comments by long-time Wyoming broadcaster, the late Larry Birleffi; members of the Black 14; and other Wyoming officials.
Birleffi, in an interview conducted during the early 80s, describes to interviewer Mark Junge the social climate of that time, the man that was Coach Lloyd Eaton, and his interpretation of the darkest period of Wyoming football.
Birleffi’s comments along with more recent interviews with others involved with the Black 14 incident are available on the Wyoming State Archives website. They include Dr. Willie Black, then chancellor of the Black Student Alliance; Judge James Barrett, then Wyoming’s Attorney General; and Dr. Michael C. Robinson who was a UW history student, who protested for the football players’ right to protest and then went on to join the LDS church in later years.
Log onto http://www.wyoarchives.org/ and click on “oral histories.” The oral history project is funded by the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund.
The Wyoming State Archives looks back on one of the darkest periods of that history with a podcast featuring a series of interviews revisiting the Black 14 incident of October 1969. The podcast includes comments by long-time Wyoming broadcaster, the late Larry Birleffi; members of the Black 14; and other Wyoming officials.
Birleffi, in an interview conducted during the early 80s, describes to interviewer Mark Junge the social climate of that time, the man that was Coach Lloyd Eaton, and his interpretation of the darkest period of Wyoming football.
Birleffi’s comments along with more recent interviews with others involved with the Black 14 incident are available on the Wyoming State Archives website. They include Dr. Willie Black, then chancellor of the Black Student Alliance; Judge James Barrett, then Wyoming’s Attorney General; and Dr. Michael C. Robinson who was a UW history student, who protested for the football players’ right to protest and then went on to join the LDS church in later years.
Log onto http://www.wyoarchives.org/ and click on “oral histories.” The oral history project is funded by the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund.
Moose, WY native John F. Turner honored by National Musuem of Wildlife Art
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Photo by David J. Swift |
third-generation Wyoming rancher John F. Turner will receive the National Museum of WildlifeArt prestigious Rungius Medal on November 3, 2010, in the museum's Cook Auditorium at 10:30 a.m.
Created in 1988, the award recognizes individuals who "have made a significant addition to the public's awareness of wildlife and the habitat necessary for its survival." Turner, whose numerous accomplishments on behalf of the natural world include establishing 55 new National Wildlife Refuges.
"With his strong record of protecting wildlife, habitat and natural resources on a national level as well as his personal deep connection to the land, John F. Turner is a perfect candidate for our Rungius Medal, and we're honored to be presenting him with it," said Jim McNutt, National Museum of Wildlife Art president and CEO.
Prior to his Assistant Secretary appointment (2001-2005), Turner served as CEO of The Conservation Fund, protecting more than 2.8 million acres of parks, habitat, and open space with the national nonprofit. He also served as the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1989-1993), where he increased wetland protection and established the most National Wildlife Refuges of any U.S. administration. Other past positions include 19 years in the Wyoming State Legislature, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Bank of Jackson Hole, and Chairman of the Institute of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming.
The Rungius Medal http://www.wildlifeart.org/Information/RungiusMedal is the museum's highest honor, reflecting its ongoing role of furthering the national conversation about humanity and nature. Symbolized by a gold medallion named for artist Carl Rungius, America's preeminent portrayer of animals and their surroundings, the medal is awarded to "individuals who have made lifetime and extraordinary contributions to the artistic interpretation and preservation of the world's natural heritage." Past recipients include Mardy Murie (1989), Roger Tory Peterson (1994) and Jane Goodall (2001).
The Rungius Medal award ceremony for John F. Turner is open to the public and will be followed by a reception with refreshments; those planning to attend the reception should respond to Shawn Meisl at 307.732.5449 or by email at smeisl@wildlifeart.org
Learn more about native arts
The Native Arts & Cultures Foundation is dedicated to promote the revitalization, appreciation, and perpetuation of Native arts and cultures in all sectors of society through philanthropy and partnership, ensuring a path that benefits present and future generations of indigenous peoples in America. In its first year of its grant program, it has awarded $384,000.
Go to http://www.nativeartsandcultures.org/innovation to read more about this foundation.
Go to http://www.nativeartsandcultures.org/innovation to read more about this foundation.
Social Media workshop
CWAM Workshop: The New Age of Social Media; How Museums Can Take Advantage
November 5
University of Denver Sturm Hall, room tbd
CWAM Members, $10, nonmembers $15
**students are free
RSVP to Kerri Atter, kerri@atterinc.com
While concepts of social networking and social media have take the country by storm, many museums are
at a loss of exactly what social media is and how it can be used in relation to museums. This workshop will
delve into the different types of social media and how it can be a tool to expand learning, provide feedback,
and cultivate loyalty within organizations. Graduate student Leo Kacenjar from University of Denver’s Digital
Media Studies department will discuss the use of social media outlets to engage audiences and how it
can lead to new types of interaction and participation at your organization. Throughout the workshop we will
be looking at case studies and discussing various ways to think about social media as a means to engage
visitors, attract a younger audience, and remain competitive in today’s market.
November 5
University of Denver Sturm Hall, room tbd
CWAM Members, $10, nonmembers $15
**students are free
RSVP to Kerri Atter, kerri@atterinc.com
While concepts of social networking and social media have take the country by storm, many museums are
at a loss of exactly what social media is and how it can be used in relation to museums. This workshop will
delve into the different types of social media and how it can be a tool to expand learning, provide feedback,
and cultivate loyalty within organizations. Graduate student Leo Kacenjar from University of Denver’s Digital
Media Studies department will discuss the use of social media outlets to engage audiences and how it
can lead to new types of interaction and participation at your organization. Throughout the workshop we will
be looking at case studies and discussing various ways to think about social media as a means to engage
visitors, attract a younger audience, and remain competitive in today’s market.
A little TRASH for the holidays
The Three Wisewomen, Mollie O. Krafka, Marcia Dunsmore and Janeen Norstegaard, will travel east, (or north, or south, or west), to bring the gift of laughter to your Christmas party. A Wacked Out Christmas takes you from the onslaught of holiday catalogues to the collapse on December 26. Lyrics including, "it's beginning to be a vegan Christmas," sung to well-known tunes such as, "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas," will add cheer without spiking the punch.
TRASH's show Laughing Matters is a great choice to lighten up the atmosphere during meetings, conferences and fundraisers. Trash sings about topics most people don't talk about (i.e breast enhancement) and topics people love to talk about (i.e. unintended pregnancy). People from your organization could join the long list of those saying, "I've never laughed so hard in my entire life!"
Hysterical History is Black Hills history presented musically with an emphasis on laughter. Choose from five 30-45 minutes shows: Fools & Gold (1875-1885); "Wretched" (aka Rapid) City (1885-1895); Deadwood: Soiled Doves & Miners; Calamity Bill & Wild Jane; Mount Rushmore: We Don't Take It 4 Granite.
To book TRASH, go to http://www.trashlive.org/; call 307-971-1281 or email trash@rushmore.com
They will be performing Saturday, October 23rd, 7:30 PM @ the Journey Museum in Rapid City, SD.
Tickets are $25 and available at the museum.
TRASH continues to give back to the community.Trash's profits are donated to charitable organizations both local and national. Over $250,000 has been given during Trash's 28-year history.
TRASH's show Laughing Matters is a great choice to lighten up the atmosphere during meetings, conferences and fundraisers. Trash sings about topics most people don't talk about (i.e breast enhancement) and topics people love to talk about (i.e. unintended pregnancy). People from your organization could join the long list of those saying, "I've never laughed so hard in my entire life!"
Hysterical History is Black Hills history presented musically with an emphasis on laughter. Choose from five 30-45 minutes shows: Fools & Gold (1875-1885); "Wretched" (aka Rapid) City (1885-1895); Deadwood: Soiled Doves & Miners; Calamity Bill & Wild Jane; Mount Rushmore: We Don't Take It 4 Granite.
To book TRASH, go to http://www.trashlive.org/; call 307-971-1281 or email trash@rushmore.com
They will be performing Saturday, October 23rd, 7:30 PM @ the Journey Museum in Rapid City, SD.
Tickets are $25 and available at the museum.
TRASH continues to give back to the community.Trash's profits are donated to charitable organizations both local and national. Over $250,000 has been given during Trash's 28-year history.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Nina McConigley writes about bookfest for New West
Nina S. McConigley writes about Casper's 2010 Equality State Book Festival in the 10/20 New West. Read the entire article at http://www.newwest.net/topic/article/equality_state_book_fair_celebrates_regional_writers_in_wyoming/C39/L39/
Nina now teaches at UW in Laramie. She's the winner of a 2010 Blanchan/Doubleday writing award from the Wyoming Arts Council.
Nina now teaches at UW in Laramie. She's the winner of a 2010 Blanchan/Doubleday writing award from the Wyoming Arts Council.
Reception tonight at Gallery 234 for Rebecca Skinner's photo exhibit "Ghosts of Katrina"
From a University of Wyoming press release:
Rebecca Skinner's exhibition "Ghosts of Katrina: Five Years Revisited" can be seen through Thursday, Nov. 11, in Gallery 234, Room 004 of the University of Wyoming Union in Laramie.
A reception for the artist is scheduled in the gallery Thursday, Oct. 21, from 6-7 p.m. Skinner will share her experiences photographing New Orleans and the ways in which the culture has been effected by the Katrina disaster Friday, Oct. 22, at 4 p.m. at the Albany County Public Library (310 S. 8th St.). Both events are free and open to the public.
A UW social work student, Skinner says her photography has led her to "many incredible places in the world and has made it possible to work with some of the best companies in the outdoor industry, such as The North Face and Isis."
Combining her love for people and photography, she says she hopes to be a professional photographer with a focus on social justice issues.
Photo: "The Light Switch" is among the photos in "Ghosts of Katrina: Five Years Revisited" on display through Nov. 11 in Gallery 234 of the University of Wyoming Union. (Rebecca Skinner Photo)
Rebecca Skinner's exhibition "Ghosts of Katrina: Five Years Revisited" can be seen through Thursday, Nov. 11, in Gallery 234, Room 004 of the University of Wyoming Union in Laramie.
A reception for the artist is scheduled in the gallery Thursday, Oct. 21, from 6-7 p.m. Skinner will share her experiences photographing New Orleans and the ways in which the culture has been effected by the Katrina disaster Friday, Oct. 22, at 4 p.m. at the Albany County Public Library (310 S. 8th St.). Both events are free and open to the public.
A UW social work student, Skinner says her photography has led her to "many incredible places in the world and has made it possible to work with some of the best companies in the outdoor industry, such as The North Face and Isis."
Combining her love for people and photography, she says she hopes to be a professional photographer with a focus on social justice issues.
Photo: "The Light Switch" is among the photos in "Ghosts of Katrina: Five Years Revisited" on display through Nov. 11 in Gallery 234 of the University of Wyoming Union. (Rebecca Skinner Photo)
Touchstone 2010 features artists of Laramie
Touchstone 2010, an exhibition and sale by the Laramie Artists Project, will be held Nov. 12-14 at the Marriott Fairfdield Inn & Suites, 1673 Centennial Dr., Laramie.
A public reception will be held on Friday, Nov. 12, 6-9 p.m. Hours on Saturday are 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 1-5 p.m.
Please note that this is a change in location from Touchstone events in 2006 and 2008.
A public reception will be held on Friday, Nov. 12, 6-9 p.m. Hours on Saturday are 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 1-5 p.m.
Please note that this is a change in location from Touchstone events in 2006 and 2008.
Final performances of "Extremities" at LCCC Playhouse on Oct. 22-23
Final weekend of performances for "Extremities," a play by William Mastrosimone.
Fri, Oct. 22, and Sat., Oct. 23, starting at 7:30 p.m.
$10 general; $5 students and seniors; LCCC Playhouse, Cheyenne
Description: The show is a gritty, realistic portrait of an attempted rape in a woman’s home and a taut moral dilemma as she turns the table on the would-be rapist. It’s about people who are flawed, human, who don’t know the right answers and most importantly are often unable to get past their prejudices. This production is for mature audiences only.
Quoted in the Wingspan campus newspaper:
"This play brings awareness to the ever-present issues that we face with rape and domestic violence and helps shed light on the issues that we are very quick to look past," said David Gaer, LCCC theatre and communication instructor, and director of this play.
The cast:
Mark Schaad as Raul;
Ceara Madson as Marjorie;
Victoria Anderson as Terry;
Stephanie Bradley as Patricia.
Seats may be reserved by e-mailing boxoffice@lccc.wy.edu.
Fri, Oct. 22, and Sat., Oct. 23, starting at 7:30 p.m.
$10 general; $5 students and seniors; LCCC Playhouse, Cheyenne
Description: The show is a gritty, realistic portrait of an attempted rape in a woman’s home and a taut moral dilemma as she turns the table on the would-be rapist. It’s about people who are flawed, human, who don’t know the right answers and most importantly are often unable to get past their prejudices. This production is for mature audiences only.
Quoted in the Wingspan campus newspaper:
"This play brings awareness to the ever-present issues that we face with rape and domestic violence and helps shed light on the issues that we are very quick to look past," said David Gaer, LCCC theatre and communication instructor, and director of this play.
The cast:
Mark Schaad as Raul;
Ceara Madson as Marjorie;
Victoria Anderson as Terry;
Stephanie Bradley as Patricia.
Seats may be reserved by e-mailing boxoffice@lccc.wy.edu.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Snoopy has landed at the Wyoming State Musuem
Snoopy, Charles M. Schulz’s lovable beagle, flies in for a visit as the Wyoming State Museum hosts, “Snoopy as the World War I Flying Ace,” an exhibit on display from October 22 through November 20.
The exhibit showcases 40 of Snoopy’s most exciting adventures in his transformed doghouse – now a Sopwith Camel airplane – from the time he faced a deadly bout of influenza to sparring with his archenemy, the Red Baron. The exhibit also includes assorted Snoopy objects, toys and books.
“Snoopy as the World War I Flying Ace,” is toured by ExhibitsUSA, the national touring division of Mid-America Arts Alliance, a non-profit regional arts organization based in Kansas City, Mo.
Schulz served as a sergeant in the army and had always wanted to draw adventure comic strips, but was told to stick with what he did best – funny kids. However, after 15 years as a cartoonist, on October 10, 1965, he finally had the opportunity to create his hero, Snoopy, the World War I Flying Ace.
Visitors to this exhibit can follow Snoopy on his imaginary adventures through the skies of Europe. Forty digital prints from the original drawings, done by Schulz, are on display, along with accompanying photographs of the artist.
The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne. For more information, please call 777-6670.
The exhibit showcases 40 of Snoopy’s most exciting adventures in his transformed doghouse – now a Sopwith Camel airplane – from the time he faced a deadly bout of influenza to sparring with his archenemy, the Red Baron. The exhibit also includes assorted Snoopy objects, toys and books.
“Snoopy as the World War I Flying Ace,” is toured by ExhibitsUSA, the national touring division of Mid-America Arts Alliance, a non-profit regional arts organization based in Kansas City, Mo.
Schulz served as a sergeant in the army and had always wanted to draw adventure comic strips, but was told to stick with what he did best – funny kids. However, after 15 years as a cartoonist, on October 10, 1965, he finally had the opportunity to create his hero, Snoopy, the World War I Flying Ace.
Visitors to this exhibit can follow Snoopy on his imaginary adventures through the skies of Europe. Forty digital prints from the original drawings, done by Schulz, are on display, along with accompanying photographs of the artist.
The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne. For more information, please call 777-6670.
Photo of the week: Morgan Tyree
Morgan Tyree of Powell spends his autumns photographing small-town football in Wyoming and Montana. He documents his travels through words and images on his blog. In this photo, Savage freshman Cameron Hough assists teammates in neck drills prior the start of their Montana Class C six-man football game with the visiting Terriers from Terry. See the full-sized version of this photo by going to http://www.flickr.com/photos/mdt1960/5089556017/
Magick playing concerts in Cheyenne, Casper
The flyer (right) is for the fundraising concert Magick will put on at the First United Methodist Church here in Cheyenne. Thanks to Billie, Taylor's and Evan's mom, for dropping off the flyer.
They've a new member, Nic "Cottonseed" Clark, harmonica player who comes up from Denver. Every good blues band needs a harmonica player! Looking forward to hearing them in this reformed group. Mikey moved over to drums from rhythm guitar. From what I've heard, this new arrangement seems to be Magick!
Look for them in Casper, Saturday, November 27, playing a fundraiser for themselves to get themselves to Memphis for the big 2011 International Blues Challenge February 1-5. The boys are being sponsored by the Wyoming Blues and Jazz Society, based in Casper, and will perform in the youth showcase, sponsored by Smokin Bluz of Charlotte, NC, that will take place on Friday, February 4. They will also be competing in the quarter-finals on Wed and Thu nights. They are guaranteed to play at least twice in the competition, and then once in the Youth Showcase.
They've been written up in the Casper Star-Trib and the Cheyenne Eagle, and here's the bio that will be in the IBC catalogue:
They had some t-shirts made up to sell to help with raising funds. Contact Billie at their website if you'd like a t-shirt and to help get these boys to Memphis.
They've a new member, Nic "Cottonseed" Clark, harmonica player who comes up from Denver. Every good blues band needs a harmonica player! Looking forward to hearing them in this reformed group. Mikey moved over to drums from rhythm guitar. From what I've heard, this new arrangement seems to be Magick!
Look for them in Casper, Saturday, November 27, playing a fundraiser for themselves to get themselves to Memphis for the big 2011 International Blues Challenge February 1-5. The boys are being sponsored by the Wyoming Blues and Jazz Society, based in Casper, and will perform in the youth showcase, sponsored by Smokin Bluz of Charlotte, NC, that will take place on Friday, February 4. They will also be competing in the quarter-finals on Wed and Thu nights. They are guaranteed to play at least twice in the competition, and then once in the Youth Showcase.
They've been written up in the Casper Star-Trib and the Cheyenne Eagle, and here's the bio that will be in the IBC catalogue:
Another Kind of Magick is an exciting young blues band from Cheyenne, WY. Led by guitarist and vocalist Taylor Scott, the boys range in age from 14-17 -- bassist Louie Uribe, drummer Mike Uribe, keyboardist Evan Scott and harp player Nic Clark. Developing their sound from various styles of blues and other genres, AKM has found a niche that is original, yet true to the roots of the blues. These young men are well beyond their years in commitment and drive. Their sound, partnered with high energy and a surprising blend of soul and talent, is the foundation for the success they have experienced over the past several years. Don't miss the "Magick" these boys are bringing to Beale Street.
Call for entries: Sagebrush Rendezvous Art Exhibit & Sale
The 33rd Annual Sagebrush Rendezvous Art Exhibit and Sale
January 29-30, 2011, Running Y Convention Center, Klamath Falls, Oregon
For the past 32 years the Sagebrush Rendezvous has presented a mid-winter art exhibit and sale, drawing over 1000 patrons each season to its two-day show. Originally set as a Western wildlife and landscape art exhibit, it now invites artists working every genre and every type of medium, from pencil to sculpture. Last year the program took on a new direction with an open call to artists to present their works in a juried format.
Here’s an opportunity to show work at a highly successful show that has raised over $350,000 for charity, including the American Cancer Society, Hospice, Special Olympics, and other charitable programs.
Juried-in artists’ pieces sold at Sagebrush pay out 65 percent to the artists, 35 percent to the charitable programs mentioned. It is also a perfect venue to get juried artists’ works and names better recognized in the West. Art prices at the 2010 show ranged from $5 for small photos by nature photographers to over $3,500 for original art.
The Exchange Club of Klamath Falls, the sponsor of the event, also hosts a two-hour “quick draw” for participating artists, with an auction at the end. Half of the revenues from this event also go to charities,
the other half to the artists.This is a major social event for Southern Oregon, held at the famed Running Y Convention Center just west of Klamath Falls on Highway 140.
In addition to the exhibit and sale, we have two days of beer and wine tasting, served up by over 100 volunteers. Accommodations are available at discounted room rates at the Running Y Resort, with upscale lodge rooms and condominiums with full cooking privileges. If you’re interested in wildlife, beautiful landscapes, bring your art materials with you when you come.
But hurry, mail in deadline for entries is November 25.
FMI: www.klamath.org/events/ , 541 891-8618, sagebrushart@clearwire.net
January 29-30, 2011, Running Y Convention Center, Klamath Falls, Oregon
For the past 32 years the Sagebrush Rendezvous has presented a mid-winter art exhibit and sale, drawing over 1000 patrons each season to its two-day show. Originally set as a Western wildlife and landscape art exhibit, it now invites artists working every genre and every type of medium, from pencil to sculpture. Last year the program took on a new direction with an open call to artists to present their works in a juried format.
Here’s an opportunity to show work at a highly successful show that has raised over $350,000 for charity, including the American Cancer Society, Hospice, Special Olympics, and other charitable programs.
Juried-in artists’ pieces sold at Sagebrush pay out 65 percent to the artists, 35 percent to the charitable programs mentioned. It is also a perfect venue to get juried artists’ works and names better recognized in the West. Art prices at the 2010 show ranged from $5 for small photos by nature photographers to over $3,500 for original art.
The Exchange Club of Klamath Falls, the sponsor of the event, also hosts a two-hour “quick draw” for participating artists, with an auction at the end. Half of the revenues from this event also go to charities,
the other half to the artists.This is a major social event for Southern Oregon, held at the famed Running Y Convention Center just west of Klamath Falls on Highway 140.
In addition to the exhibit and sale, we have two days of beer and wine tasting, served up by over 100 volunteers. Accommodations are available at discounted room rates at the Running Y Resort, with upscale lodge rooms and condominiums with full cooking privileges. If you’re interested in wildlife, beautiful landscapes, bring your art materials with you when you come.
But hurry, mail in deadline for entries is November 25.
FMI: www.klamath.org/events/ , 541 891-8618, sagebrushart@clearwire.net
"Think Pink, Wear Pink" at Sheridan Stationery 10/22
Sheridan Stationery, Books and Gallery sends this invitation:
Think Pink, Wear Pink!
Join us at Sheridan Stationery
Friday, October 22nd
We are raising funds for the Kelly Schreibeis Memorial Fund. Come in to Sheridan Stationery in downtown Sheridan wearing PINK and you will recieve 15% off your purchase. Partial proceeds will be donated to benefit the memorial fund.
Sheridan County,
Saxophones heard all around the UW campus
On Thursday, Oct. 21, the Amstel Saxophone Quartet performs at the UW Fine Arts Concert Hall in Laramie.
They play saxophones, an instrument Adophe Saxe invented in 1841, an instrument known primarily for its use in jazz, blues, and band "music." But it's also capable of playing classical music: what won us over was Amstel's gorgeous performance of a Haydn string quartet. Winners of the Concert Artists Guild Award, as well as chamber music awards in France and the Netherlands, Amstel has been described as "nothing short of astounding" (Fanfare Magazine), and, speaking of names, they're not named after the beer, but rather after Amstel Peijl, a Dutch water mark. We are pleased to introduce you to "the twenty-first century's string-quartet," which will play music you have never heard before.
Tickets: General Public $18; Students & Seniors $15
They play saxophones, an instrument Adophe Saxe invented in 1841, an instrument known primarily for its use in jazz, blues, and band "music." But it's also capable of playing classical music: what won us over was Amstel's gorgeous performance of a Haydn string quartet. Winners of the Concert Artists Guild Award, as well as chamber music awards in France and the Netherlands, Amstel has been described as "nothing short of astounding" (Fanfare Magazine), and, speaking of names, they're not named after the beer, but rather after Amstel Peijl, a Dutch water mark. We are pleased to introduce you to "the twenty-first century's string-quartet," which will play music you have never heard before.
Tickets: General Public $18; Students & Seniors $15
"House" concert in Casper
Not your typical staging for a house concert, the idea of which seems to have really taken off in Casper, in part thanks to Amy Gieske, a brand new venue --Three Crowns Golf Course -- is hosting The Broomdust Caravan featuring Daddy Treetops in Casper on Wednesday, October 27. Doors open at 5:30 and music begins at 6:30.
Also not typical for an event at a for-profit venue, there is no cover charge to get in. As always, the suggestion at all house concerts, is that a $10 donation be given for the band; all donations then go to the band. There will be heavy hor d'oeuvres and beverages for sale.
This band is from the Seattle area. Quoted from Amy's email, the group has "an acoustic-y blues/Americana/folk sound. Sounds to be a good show.
Also not typical for an event at a for-profit venue, there is no cover charge to get in. As always, the suggestion at all house concerts, is that a $10 donation be given for the band; all donations then go to the band. There will be heavy hor d'oeuvres and beverages for sale.
This band is from the Seattle area. Quoted from Amy's email, the group has "an acoustic-y blues/Americana/folk sound. Sounds to be a good show.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Author Diana Kouris earns laurels for her High Plains Press book
This comes from Nancy Curtis at High Plains Press in Glendo: Diana Kouris (left), author of Riding the Edge of an Era, has been doing High Plains Press proud. She was a finalist for both the Zonta Best Woman Writer Award at the Billings Book Festival and the Willa Award which was presented in Wickenburg, Arizona. Diana and I went to both events and had a great time. My friend and former co-editor Linda Hasselstrom (right) traveled with us and came home with the top award at both events. Here we are.
Spirit of Coyote tells tale of Ernestine Shuswap
From a University of Wyoming press release:
A post-show discussion will be held in conjunction with the performance Thursday, Oct. 28.
Drawing directly from the Laurier Memorial, a deposition signed by 14 chiefs of the Thompson River Valley, "Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout" is a vivid and gripping examination of the cultural genocide of the Shuswap Nation of British Columbia. Celebrated playwright and novelist Tomson Highway is widely recognized for his tremendous contribution to the development of Aboriginal theater in both Canada and around the world. In 1994, he was inducted into the Order of Canada, the first Aboriginal writer to be so honored.
"'Ernestine Shuswap' is one of the most compelling plays about social issues that I have seen in a long while," said Hilliker. "It's really a poignant piece, and it raises issues that we really need to talk about in this country."
Written in the spirit of Coyote, in "Trickster language," the women argue, joke, rant and grieve together, the hysterically comic spilling over into the unutterably tragic and back again.
"It's ironic that in the U.S. we talk about other countries needing to own up to cultural and literal genocide, and the results of colonialism, but we still deny these realities in our own history," noted Hilliker.
The University of Wyoming Department of Theatre and Dance continues its 2010-2011 production season with "Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout." Tomson Highway's sly and dark comedy depicts four First Nations women as they prepare for the 1910 visit of the Canadian prime minister to their traditional lands.
Directed by Professor of Theatre Rebecca Hilliker, "Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout," runs Oct. 26-30 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 31 at 2 p.m. at the Fine Arts Center Studio Theatre. Tickets cost $14 for the public, $11 for senior citizens and $7 for students. For tickets and information, call (307) 766-6666 or go online at www.uwyo.edu/finearts .
Drawing directly from the Laurier Memorial, a deposition signed by 14 chiefs of the Thompson River Valley, "Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout" is a vivid and gripping examination of the cultural genocide of the Shuswap Nation of British Columbia. Celebrated playwright and novelist Tomson Highway is widely recognized for his tremendous contribution to the development of Aboriginal theater in both Canada and around the world. In 1994, he was inducted into the Order of Canada, the first Aboriginal writer to be so honored.
"'Ernestine Shuswap' is one of the most compelling plays about social issues that I have seen in a long while," said Hilliker. "It's really a poignant piece, and it raises issues that we really need to talk about in this country."
Written in the spirit of Coyote, in "Trickster language," the women argue, joke, rant and grieve together, the hysterically comic spilling over into the unutterably tragic and back again.
"It's ironic that in the U.S. we talk about other countries needing to own up to cultural and literal genocide, and the results of colonialism, but we still deny these realities in our own history," noted Hilliker.
"We think that these conversations are over, but they've never really happened. Plays like ‘Ernestine' can help to bridge that gap," she added.
Photo: Noelia Antweiler, left, and Brittany Byers perform in the University of Wyoming production "Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout." Performances at the Fine Arts Studio Theatre will be Oct. 26-30 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 31 at 2 p.m.
Amnesty International Film Festival at UW Oct. 23
The Amnesty International Film Festival, featuring short and full-length film on issues of human rights worldwide, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 23, in Laramie. Many films are award winners. Schedule includes "ICYIZERE: hope" (2008) that is also showing in Casper and Jackson. Refreshments provided. Time TBA (start about 10 AM or Noon) into the evening, Classroom Bldg Rm. 129, UW Campus. Info: Conor, cmullen@uwyo.edu. Free.
Letters about Literature writing contest
First and foremost, LAL is a writing contest for young readers in grades 4 - 12. How has an author's work--novel, nonfiction, poetry--changed your view of the world or yourself? That's the LAL writing challenge. Don't write a book report, we tell our young readers. The author already wrote the book and knows what it is about. What the author does not know is how YOU responded to his or her work. Write about that--your personal reader's response!
We challenge young readers to write a personal letter to an author describing how that author's work changed the readers' view of themselves or their world. Last year, 70,000 young readers entered but of those--just under 150 were from Wyoming children! We think it isn't that the program lacks value or even interest. The numbers from other states convince us that this is a good program. But we do think we may be having trouble getting the word out to the teachers and librarians.
Please go to http://www.lettersaboutliterature.org/ for more information about this program.
There is thousands in prize money to be awarded at the state and national level.
Deadline is December 10, 2010.
We challenge young readers to write a personal letter to an author describing how that author's work changed the readers' view of themselves or their world. Last year, 70,000 young readers entered but of those--just under 150 were from Wyoming children! We think it isn't that the program lacks value or even interest. The numbers from other states convince us that this is a good program. But we do think we may be having trouble getting the word out to the teachers and librarians.
Please go to http://www.lettersaboutliterature.org/ for more information about this program.
There is thousands in prize money to be awarded at the state and national level.
Deadline is December 10, 2010.
Join today's conversation with The President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities
Today's Tuesday Talk from the White House features The President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities.
On the White House blog, Kori Schulman has the following info:
On the White House blog, Kori Schulman has the following info:
Join us for two talks on Tuesday, October 19:Link up by going to http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/10/15/two-tuesday-talks-austan-goolsbee-economy-president-s-committee-arts-and-humanities
•1:30 p.m. EDT: Talk with Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, on the economy.
•2:15 p.m. EDT: In celebration of National Arts and Humanities Month, talk about the arts and arts and humanities education with co-chairs and members of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities (PCAH), including:
Chuck Close, Member and visual artist
Margo Lion, Co-Chair
George Stevens, Jr., Co-Chair
Damian Woetzel, Member and ballet dancer
Here's how you can participate:
•Ask your questions in advance on Facebook
•Watch the chat through www.WhiteHouse.gov/live
•Join the discussion live through the White House Facebook application
Reservation deadline Oct. 22 for Book Lover's Bash
Tina Ann Forkner, Cheyenne writer, book lover and president of the Laramie County Library Foundation, sends this reminder:
There is still time to reserve a spot for the Sixth Annual Book Lover's Bash.
Deadline is October 22nd!
Meet Author and Adventurer, Mark Obmascik.
Enjoy Dinner and a Silent Auction
Location: Cheyenne at Little America
Date: Friday, October 29, 2010
Cost: $50 per ticket (includes dinner)
Reservations: Call Laramie County Library Foundation Director Mary Meyer at 307-773-7221. Please tell her I sent you.
Mark Obmascik will talk about his books and outdoor adventures. He is the author of "The Big Year: A Tale of Man, Nature, and Fowl Obsession," which is being made into a movie featuring Steve Martin, Owen Wilson, Jack Black, Angelica Houston, and more. Learn more about Mark at http://www.markobmascik.com/
There is still time to reserve a spot for the Sixth Annual Book Lover's Bash.
Deadline is October 22nd!
Meet Author and Adventurer, Mark Obmascik.
Enjoy Dinner and a Silent Auction
Location: Cheyenne at Little America
Date: Friday, October 29, 2010
Cost: $50 per ticket (includes dinner)
Reservations: Call Laramie County Library Foundation Director Mary Meyer at 307-773-7221. Please tell her I sent you.
Mark Obmascik will talk about his books and outdoor adventures. He is the author of "The Big Year: A Tale of Man, Nature, and Fowl Obsession," which is being made into a movie featuring Steve Martin, Owen Wilson, Jack Black, Angelica Houston, and more. Learn more about Mark at http://www.markobmascik.com/
Laramie County,
Monday, October 18, 2010
Owen Wister looking for submissions
Luling, who I met at the Gretel Ehrlich writing workshop this past August, is this year's non-fiction editor for the Owen Wister Review, the University of Wyoming's art and literary journal, and has recently sent this notice out. Access their blogsite down below, to submit online.
Submission Guidelines:
Accepting unpublished
Formatting Guidelines:
Submission Guidelines:
Accepting unpublished
- Manuscripts in creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and art.
- Reading period is from September 1 through January 15. Submissions received outside that time frame will be recycled.
- One prose piece (4,000 words or less) or up to six poems at one time. You may submit in multiple genres, but please submit each genre separately.
- Up to 4 pieces of art, which includes, but is not limited to, sculpture, sketches, photography, painting, and graphic designs. Art should be submitted digitally at a printable quality, typically 300dpi or higher, in either JPEG or TIFF format. Postal submissions need to be recorded onto a CD-R that is readable in any computer. All art submis-sions will be considered for the forthcoming OWR cover.
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please indicate in the cover letter that you are submitting simultaneously and do notify us promptly if the manuscript is accepted elsewhere. Reporting time is generally one to three months.
- For interviews, book reviews, longer prose submissions (4,000+ words), or general questions please send a query letter first to owr@uwyo.edu.
Formatting Guidelines:
- All written submissions should be typed on one side of the page. Please double-space prose submissions.
- You may submit online through Submishmash by visiting our website or by sending postal submissions to the ad-dress below.
- Address submissions to the specific genre editor and include a cover letter. Cover letters should include author’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. If mailing post submissions, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) for replies regarding your submission.
Robert Greer launches new CJ Floyd novel with signings in Denver and Wheatland
Platte County author Robert Greer has a new book featuring Denver African-American bailbondsman/detective CJ Floyd. Entitled First of State, it's a prequel to Robert's seven other CJ Floyd mysteries, set in 1971 after CJ returns from Vietnam and is learning the bail bond business from his uncle. Much of the action takes place in Denver's historic Five Points neighborhood.
Robert Greer will discuss First of State in Denver at the Tattered Cover (Colfax) on Thursday, October 21, 7 p.m., and at Murder By The Book on Tuesday, October 26, 5:30 p.m.; and in Wyoming at The Wheatland Mercantile Book Nook on Friday, November 12, 6 p.m.
Great review of the book by Jenny Shank at New West. Read it at
book tour,
Platte County,
She's been working -- and creating art -- on the railroad
CAM-PLEX in Gillette is pleased to invite you to meet artist Edie Reno on Thursday, October 21, from 5-7 p.m. This artist reception is free and open to the public. To see Edie's "Living Creatures" exhibit, stop by anytime from Monday, October 18, through Friday, November 19. For more information contact the CAM-PLEX ticket office at 307-682-8802. Ticket office hours are Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CAM-PLEX’s website: http://www.cam-plex.com/. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Gallery doors are open during Heritage Center events and by special appointment.information
Artist’s Statement: “This collection, 'Living Creatures,' is of animals I see as I work on the railroad or while I am out walking. I compose drawings of them and mix diligently with dreams. Paint, weave in textures, colors of hope, joy, and mystery.”
Artist's bio: Edie Reno graduated from Campbell County High School, and attended California State University in Stanislaus and Turlock, California. Her studies focused on art with emphasis on sculpture. After college she taught art in schools and community as an itinerant artist in California, Montana, and Wyoming. As an Artist in Residence at Custer Co. Art Center, Miles City, MT Reno began to study the name Bezelel.... "under the shadow of God" and what that meant as an artist and continue to pursue that quest. In 2007 she received the high honor of a Purchase award at the Wyoming Governor’s Invitational in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Reno also currently works for BNSF Railways as a conductor.
Artist’s Statement: “This collection, 'Living Creatures,' is of animals I see as I work on the railroad or while I am out walking. I compose drawings of them and mix diligently with dreams. Paint, weave in textures, colors of hope, joy, and mystery.”
Artist's bio: Edie Reno graduated from Campbell County High School, and attended California State University in Stanislaus and Turlock, California. Her studies focused on art with emphasis on sculpture. After college she taught art in schools and community as an itinerant artist in California, Montana, and Wyoming. As an Artist in Residence at Custer Co. Art Center, Miles City, MT Reno began to study the name Bezelel.... "under the shadow of God" and what that meant as an artist and continue to pursue that quest. In 2007 she received the high honor of a Purchase award at the Wyoming Governor’s Invitational in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Reno also currently works for BNSF Railways as a conductor.
Miss "V" the Gypsy Cowbelle performs at the Carriage House Theater in Sheridan Oct. 22
Concert with Miss "V" the Gypsy Cowbelle will be held on Friday, October 22, 7:30 p.m., in the Carriage House Theater, on the grounds of Trail End State Historic Site, Sheridan.
Cost is $10 for adults, $8 for Seniors and Activie Military, $6 for Museum Members, and $5 for children ages 12 and under.
Tickets available at the Sheridan County Museum, by calling 307.675.1150, or one hour before the show at the Carriage House Theater.
Miss "V" the Gypsy Cowbelle is a member of the Wyoming Art Council artist roster. You can bring her to your community via a WAC Arts Across Wyoming grant. FMI: http://www.wyomingartscouncil.org/
Cost is $10 for adults, $8 for Seniors and Activie Military, $6 for Museum Members, and $5 for children ages 12 and under.
Tickets available at the Sheridan County Museum, by calling 307.675.1150, or one hour before the show at the Carriage House Theater.
Miss "V" the Gypsy Cowbelle is a member of the Wyoming Art Council artist roster. You can bring her to your community via a WAC Arts Across Wyoming grant. FMI: http://www.wyomingartscouncil.org/
The art of creativity
Tickets go on sale Nov. 1 for annual Teton County Library Benefit
Tickets go on sale on Monday, Nov. 1, for the annual Teton County Public Library Benefit at Four Seasons Resort at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 1. The event features food, libations and live music by the Pam Drews Phillips Quartet on Friday, December 3 at 7 p.m. Cost: $100 per ticket (only 400 tickets available), offered on a first-come, first-serve basis beginning November 1 at the library’s Front Desk or online at www.TCLib.org/libraryparty. Ticket proceeds benefit the Teton County Library Foundation. Location: Cottonwood Ballroom, Four Seasons Resort, Teton Village. Foundation Associate Director, Pauline Towers-Dykeman, 733-2164 ext. 217, ptowersdykeman@tclib.org.
Teton County,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Wyoming artists pumping their art through the Pipeline
The mission of the Pipeline Art Project:
The Pipeline Art Project is a group of five Wyoming contemporary artists who are committed to furthering their careers while maintaining Wyoming residency. Their work is in dialogue with the wider world beyond the American West, although it is inspired by this place.Five Wyoming artists are part of the Pipeline Art Project: Sue Sommers and David Klaren, both of Pinedale; JB Bond, Daniel; and Susan Moldenhauer and Wendy Bredehoft of Laramie.
The goal of the Pipeline is to place this artwork in an international context.
Portland Art Museum curator touring the West
Bonnie Laing-Malcomson, curator of Northwest Art at the Portland (Oregon) Art Museum, will be conducting a session on Sunday, October 17, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., at the Yellowstone Art Museum, 401 N 27th St., Billings, Mont.
Here's what she has to say about the subjects of her session:
“What I am doing around the west is two-fold. Firstly, I am holding what I am calling focus group meetings for artists and arts professionals (college arts administrators, gallery owners etc.) to present the Portland Art Museum’s curatorial focus on Northwest art and to outline the opportunities and limitations inherent to the position. Below is a ...brief position description describing my responsibilities, and listing the number and type of exhibitions for which the Curator of Northwest Art is responsible annually.
The Curator of Northwest art is responsible for the care, research, exhibition, growth and custody of all objects in the Northwest art collection belonging to or on loan to the Portland Art Museum. The position serves a five-state region including Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. Duties include developing temporary exhibitions, especially the biennial Contemporary Northwest Art Awards and three-to-four, usually single artist, changing exhibitions per year know as “APEX” exhibitions. The curator works on exhibition related programs, garnering support and writing and speaking about Northwest art. The curator supervises presentation of all traveling exhibitions of Northwest art scheduled by the Museum and serves as advisor to the Northwest Art Council.” “I am very interested … to begin building a library of discs of current and past work, so as I am planning exhibitions I will know who is doing strong work in the five-state region.”
Here's what she has to say about the subjects of her session:
“What I am doing around the west is two-fold. Firstly, I am holding what I am calling focus group meetings for artists and arts professionals (college arts administrators, gallery owners etc.) to present the Portland Art Museum’s curatorial focus on Northwest art and to outline the opportunities and limitations inherent to the position. Below is a ...brief position description describing my responsibilities, and listing the number and type of exhibitions for which the Curator of Northwest Art is responsible annually.
The Curator of Northwest art is responsible for the care, research, exhibition, growth and custody of all objects in the Northwest art collection belonging to or on loan to the Portland Art Museum. The position serves a five-state region including Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. Duties include developing temporary exhibitions, especially the biennial Contemporary Northwest Art Awards and three-to-four, usually single artist, changing exhibitions per year know as “APEX” exhibitions. The curator works on exhibition related programs, garnering support and writing and speaking about Northwest art. The curator supervises presentation of all traveling exhibitions of Northwest art scheduled by the Museum and serves as advisor to the Northwest Art Council.” “I am very interested … to begin building a library of discs of current and past work, so as I am planning exhibitions I will know who is doing strong work in the five-state region.”
Friday, October 15, 2010
Slammin' in Casper
If you are a poet and you know it, show your stuff during “Poetry Slam” sponsored by the Natrona County Public Library. The event will be held at the Metro Coffee Company Saturday, October 23 at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public.
Poets should prepare two or three original poems to read aloud during their three-minute time limit, and will receive a free drink courtesy of the Friends of the Library. Prizes will be awarded for the best entries. Don’t forget to bring your own audience! Teens and adults, grades 7 and up are welcome to participate.
Performance time is limited, so please sign up in advance at the library’s reference desk or by calling 577-READ, ext 2.
Poets should prepare two or three original poems to read aloud during their three-minute time limit, and will receive a free drink courtesy of the Friends of the Library. Prizes will be awarded for the best entries. Don’t forget to bring your own audience! Teens and adults, grades 7 and up are welcome to participate.
Performance time is limited, so please sign up in advance at the library’s reference desk or by calling 577-READ, ext 2.
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