Artist's depiction of proposed downtown Cheyenne mural |
Reporter Becky Orr wrote about "Downtown getting giant cherub mural" in this morning's
Wyoming Tribune-Eagle:
The building at the southwest corner of 17th Street and Warren Avenue is a tidy brick structure with white shutters near the windows.
Owner Ed Murray wants to expand its purpose. He said he wants to provide an artistically beautiful mural on its south wall for people to enjoy.
The mural will depict a cherub created by 16th-century Renaissance artist Raphael. Murray, a business and property owners in Cheyenne, said he wants the art to help revitalize downtown and become a catalyst for more such works.
Gillette artist Harvey Jackson will paint the mural on the south wall. It will be about 47 feet tall and 60 feet wide. “It’s nice to convey a message of love and peace and understanding,” Jackson said, especially given the turmoil in the world.
Currently, a painting of a green martini glass covers part of the south wall’s red surface. The glass is part of the state’s message against underage drinking.
Murray considered a western theme for the new mural, but nothing “embraced or beckoned” him, he said.
During their deliberations, Jackson asked Murray what was in his heart that he wanted to project, Murray said. Murray started soul-searching and concluded that he wanted to project a message of love, kindness and peace. An angel is the best way to accomplish that, he said.
Murray looked at dozens of angel images before he selected the cherub. The image is a departure from a typical western theme. Even so, cherubs have a western connection with their presence in paintings in many Old West saloons, Murray said.
Jackson expects to start painting in late summer or early fall. It should take 30 to 60 days to complete.
Read the complete article
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