On Friday, March 12, 7-8 p.m., the Teton County Public Library presents a free program in the Ordway Auditorium.
Join investigative reporter Robert Dreyfuss for an eyewitness account of the 2009 Iranian election and its aftermath and to hear about interviews he conducted with key Iranian decision-makers and analysts. Dreyfuss will discuss: Does Washington have an alternative to negotiations? Will sanctions work? Is a military confrontation inevitable?
Dreyfuss has written extensively about the post-9/11 war on terror, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the confrontation with Iran. He covered the Iranian elections for The Nation and is currently writing about this month's Iraqi elections on his blog The Dreyfuss Report at www.thenation.com/blogs/dreyfuss.
Dreyfuss also covers national security for Rolling Stone and writes frequently for Mother Jones and The American Prospect, as well as many other publications. His book, Devil's Game: How
the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam, was published in 2005. Read more about Dreyfuss' background and find articles at http://www.robertdreyfuss.com/.
Dreyfuss spoke about Afghanistan to an enthusiastic crowd at the library last fall. "We are thrilled to have Bob back at the library, he is extremely knowledgeable as well as a very personable and engaging presenter," said Oona Doherty, Adult Humanities Coordinator.
For more information, contact Doherty at 733-2164 ext. 135 or odoherty@tclib.org. You can also visit the library online at http://www.tclib.org/.
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