Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Jentel Presents" Feb. 2 at Sheridan Library

A new year brings together the six new visual artists and writers to the Jentel Artist Residency Program in Banner. Highlighting this month’s residents in an event open to the public, “Jentel Presents” will take place Tuesday, February 2, 2010, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., at the Sheridan County Fulmer Public Library Inner Circle. This month’s presenters include a poet, fiction writer, collage/mixed media artist, printmaker, installation artist and a sculptor. “Jentel Presents” is a community outreach program that features visual presentations and readings by the visual artists and writers at the residency.

Presenters include: Carol Davis, Los Angeles, CA; A poet, Carol was born in California and lived in Europe as a child. She has spent the last ten years back and forth in Russia and the United States; Viet Dinh, Wilmington, DE; A fiction writer, Viet was 6 months old, when he escaped in the arms of his parents, on the last airplane out of Saigon as it fell to the Communists; Lisa Lindgren, Brooklyn, NY; A collage/mixed media artist, Lisa enjoys the contrast between urban living and roughing it in the woods, mountains or sea; Edw Martinez, Virginia City, NV; A printmaker, Edw (slowly) walked the Camino de Santiago eight years ago and finds the images and ideas showing up in his work; Alexandra Robinson, Kansas City, MO; An installation artist, Alex is a military brat who grew up all over. She likes places that seem one way but are actually another; Lee Emma Running, Grinnell, IA; A sculptor, Lee is growing a huge garden in Iowa and is working on a series of drawings about the natural world.

There is no admission charge for “Jentel Presents” and refreshments are available.

The Jentel Foundation offers dedicated individuals a supportive environment in which to further their creative development. While at Jentel, visual artists and writers have the opportunity to experience unfettered time to allow for thoughtful reflection and meditation on the creative process in a setting that preserves the agricultural and historical integrity of the land.

The Jentel Artist Residency Program accepts applications twice a year from visual artists in all media and writers in all genres for a one-month residency. A residency includes a comfortable accommodation; common living, dining and recreation areas; a private workspace and a stipend to help defray expenses during the program. For more information please visit or call Jentel at (307) 737-2311.

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