Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pre-Summit workshop addresses arts-based development in the rural West

The Wyoming Arts Council is hosting three pre-Arts Summit workshops in Cheyenne on Sept. 23.

The WAC's Community Development and the Arts Program Specialist Randy Oestman is the planner for "Creating and Sustaining Arts-Based Development in Small Town Rural West." It will be facilitated by Dan Wecks on Wednesday Sept. 23, 1-5 p.m. Location TBA (and we'll have it on the blog when it is). This workshop is free to registrants of Wyoming Arts Summit 2009

Here's some background on the workshop:

More than ever communities across Wyoming are realizing the importance of Community Development and the Arts with may of the same questions being raised. Where do we start? How do we determine and communicate the importance of arts and creativity? What are possible projects? How do we attract participants? How do we fund this project and make it sustainable?

This will be an open discussion exploring successful and unsuccessful examples of Community Development and Arts projects from smaller communities with an opportunity to glean information from a very successful Community Development Leader. This meeting will also provide an opportunity for community leaders with similar visions to network and connect for assistance in making things happen throughout Wyoming.

Dan Wecks has a broad background of experience including government, non-profit, and private business. Before deciding to follow his heart to do what mattered to him, he was President of a large real estate and development company. He was elected to the Manitou City Council and later as its Mayor. During this time he became the Executive Director of the Business of Art Center, a business incubator for artists and arts organizations in Manitou Springs.. Dan’s twin loves are assisting arts/community organizations, schools and government in looking to creative solutions to community issues and helping build "Strength-Based" organizations through the development of their people.

FMI: Randy Oestman, WAC, 307-777-7109.

P.S.: The other two pre-Arts Summit workshops will be on arts education and writing WAC grants. More info later...

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